Archive for Conflicting Emotions

Relief in Grief

Relief in Grief

Hey. Welcome back to another episode of the What's Your Grief Podcast. My name is Eleanor and as always I'm…
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conflicted feelings

Conflicted Feelings in Grief: Reconciling the Present with What Might Have Been

  • General
  • Eleanor Haley
If I had to choose one word to describe life after loss, I might choose "conflicted." It's probably not the…
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why don't i cry when someone dies

Why Don't I Cry When Someone Dies?

  • General
  • Eleanor Haley
If ever there were a time you'd expect to cry, it's after the death of a loved one or other…
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I am Hopeless; I am Hopeful: Dialectical Thinking in Grief

I am Hopeless; I am Hopeful: Dialectical Thinking in Grief

When I tell people that philosophy is what got me through my dad's death, they look at me like I…
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Facing Loss: When Hope and Grief Co-Exist

Facing Loss: When Hope and Grief Co-Exist

My mother died of pancreatic cancer. If you know anything about pancreatic cancer, you know that the survival statistics are…
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When Feeling Okay Feels Wrong

I look at grief as more of a frienemy than anything else. To be honest, it's been this way since…
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Keeping Negative Emotions in Check

Keeping Difficult Emotions in Check

These are difficult emotions. All human beings are familiar with these creatures, but—as someone who is grieving—I'll bet you've recently come…
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Grief or Greed? When Families Fight Over Material Possessions

Grief or Greed? When Families Fight Over Material Possessions

The death of a loved one can have a major impact on family unity. Each individual family member must reconcile…
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Grief Emotions Aren't Good or Bad, They Just Are

Grief Emotions Aren't Good Or Bad, They Just Are

I wouldn't call myself a perfectionist or an over-achiever, but I have always viewed myself as a person who generally…
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