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list of grief quotes

26 More Quotes about Grief for All You Quote Lovers

I say "some more" because we also have quotes about grief and loss here and a few more here. Why you might…
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forgetfulness in grief

64 Tips for Coping With Forgetfulness in Grief

We've said it once, and we'll say it a million times: You're not losing your mind, you're just grieving. Yes,…
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benefits of grief journaling

5 Benefits of Grief Journaling

Journaling is one of WYG's favorite, go-to, grief coping methods for many reasons. First, it offers you a simple way…
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grief words that should exist

64 Grief-Words That Should Exist

Many moons ago, we wrote an article about the limited language of grief. We lamented the reality that, in grief,…
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best things ever said to someone grieving

64 of the Best Things Ever Said to a Griever

People ask us this question time and again: What should I say to someone who's grieving? They ask, hoping there…
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what not to say to a griever

64 of the Worst Things Ever Said to a Griever

We recently asked our Facebook readers the following questions: "What is the best thing anyone has said to you in…
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64 Examples of Disenfranchised Grief

Disenfranchised grief is a term that was coined by one of our favorite grief researchers, Ken Doka, about twenty years…
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Grief and Concentration: 8 Tips for Coping With an Inability to Focus

Grief and Concentration: 8 Tips for Coping with an Inability to Focus

You’re sitting at your desk at work and suddenly realize you have been staring at the wall—lost in thought or…
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harry potter and grief

12 Things Harry Potter Taught Me About Grief

If you hang out here regularly, you may already know that Eleanor and I are both pretty big fans of Harry Potter.…
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