Archive for Is this Normal?

normalizing grief

How Normalization and Validation Help in Grief

  • General
  • Eleanor Haley
Do complicated hardships require equally big and complex ways to cope?  Not always, especially not with something like grief. Grief…
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grief dreams

To Perchance Have Grief Dreams

  • General
  • Eleanor Haley
I had the most disturbing dream when my mom was sick. She was sleeping in the big reclining chair that…
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fall is my grief season

Fall is my Grief Season. How about you?

I’m operating under the influence of fall. It’s a subtle disorientation that knocks me off kilter just enough for things…
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anger in grief make you angry

Why Does Grief Make You Angry at Friends and Family?

Reading that title, you might be thinking that there are approximately a zillion reasons grief makes you angry. And you’d…
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Is The Second Year of Grief Harder?

If you're still in the first year after a loss, I imagine the title of this article alone might have…
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why don't i cry when someone dies

Why Don't I Cry When Someone Dies?

  • General
  • Eleanor Haley
If ever there were a time you'd expect to cry, it's after the death of a loved one or other…
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move on after death

Why do People Think we Move On After Death?

I always wanted an imaginary friend as a child, but my mind wouldn't stretch far enough. I envied kids who…
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avoidance behavior

What is Avoidance Behavior? An Explainer

Our experiences are complex, but for the sake of simplicity, let's break them down into two separate categories - inside…
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Does grief make you tired?

Does Grief Make You Tired?

“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago.” ~ Friedrich Nietzche A common question about…
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