16 Ideas for Creating New Holiday Tradition After a Death

Holidays and Special Days / Holidays and Special Days : Eleanor Haley

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Someone you love has died and now the holidays will never be the same. I'm sorry to put this so plainly, but it's true and you need to acknowledge it.

Too often, people stumble into the holidays after a death believing things can stay the same. Some passively assume everything will work out, while others think if they try hard enough to be positive and maintain old traditions that PEOPLE WILL ENJOY THEMSELVES, DANG IT. 

I hope these approaches work out for some, but I can promise you they won't suffice for all. The truth is, even if you manage to rebuild your tradition to the closest approximation possible, there will still be sadness. The "King" Elvis Presley said it best:

"And when those blue snowflakes start falling
That's when those blue memories start calling"

We've written posts on how to handle existing holiday traditions after a death, and we've written about honoring deceased loved ones at the holidays. Still, we've yet to get in-depth about creating new traditions after a loss. 

The creation of new traditions and rituals provides you the opportunity to find meaningful and lasting ways to remember loved ones. Further, it allows those who have died to play a continuous role in holiday celebrations going forward.

We're going to provide you with a few ideas for creating new holiday traditions after a death. We encourage you to think beyond this list and create traditions that are reflective of who your loved one was and how you want to see their legacy continue. 

New traditions can be simple things you decide to do on your own or more elaborate rituals that you create with your family. As you think about this, remember traditions are meant to be repeated year after year—so choose something that your family can realistically keep going. Even better, create traditions that can be handed down to future generations.

16 Ideas for Creating New Holiday Tradition After a Death

1.  Food:

  • Holiday Dish: Choose your loved one's favorite dish (or recipe) and make sure the dish is present at your celebration year after year. For example, my family makes "Autie's Beans". Why are they "Autie's Beans"? I have no idea, I'm pretty sure "Autie's Beans" are just plain ole green bean casserole!
  • Favorite Dessert: Instead of choosing a dish, choose their favorite dessert to make every year.
  • Breakfast: If the holiday dinner is crazy, crowded, and hectic, start a tradition of having your loved one's favorite breakfast foods with your immediate family.
  • After-Dinner Drinks: If the person who died wasn't a part of the family celebration, start a tradition of meeting friends and family in the evening to remember the person who died over hot cocoa or eggnog.
  • Cookie Recipe: This is my personal favorite: Use your loved one's recipe to make Christmas cookies. I used my mother's recipe this year and shared them on Facebook with my far-away family.

2. Music

  • Holiday Playlist: Have a go-to list of holiday songs that remind you of your loved one.
  • Sing: Start a tradition that involves singing your loved one's favorite holiday songs. My family always sings Silent Night just before going to bed on Christmas Eve and it always makes me cry. (Here's a post about when holiday songs become sad). You could also try traditions like these:
    • Have a caroling party before the holidays where you invite all your family and friends.
    • Have a sing-a-long after holiday dinner.

3.  Memory Tablecloth:

This is an awesome idea that I saw here. Every year, lay out a special tablecloth and fabric markers or sharpies. Ask holiday guests to write down their favorite holiday memories, especially those that involve family members who are no longer present.

4. Light a Candle:

As a family, light a candle at the beginning of the holiday season and allow it to burn throughout.  If you're not comfortable with a real candle, use a fake candle or a special light-up decoration.

5.  Candle Ceremony:

On the night before the holiday or on the night of the holiday, gather everyone for a candle ceremony.  Give everyone an unlit candle. The first person lights the first candle and shares a memory. They can share a memory of their deceased loved one(s), a memory from past holidays, or a time during the year when they felt their loved one's presence—you decide (it's your tradition after all)! After the first person shares their memory, they light the candle of the next person and that person shares a memory... and so on and so forth. Once the last candle is lit, do something to close out the ceremony (such as sing a song or say a prayer).

candle ceremony grief at holidays

6.  Blessing:

If a blessing is traditionally said at any point during the holiday, add a lyric, quote, verse, poem, or saying that reminds you of your loved one.  Choose something that really reflects your loved one, even if it's silly or out of context.

7.  Secret Signal:

Create a secret signal for your family members to give one another when something reminds them of the person who has died. This could be a signal used at any moment, happy or sad, throughout the year.

8.  Give to Charity:

Every year, chose a charity to give a gift to in your loved one's name. Keep the same process for choosing the charity each year—maybe you decide over Thanksgiving or you gather on the first Sunday of December, for example. Allow everyone to offer suggestions and then choose as a family. If you don't want to just make a monetary donation, look for shelters doing "adopt a resident" programs or opportunities to buy gifts through an angel tree.

9. Go Somewhere Where You Feel Close to Your Loved One:

Start a tradition of visiting your loved one's grave or another place where you feel close to them on the holiday.  Choosing a designated time, like first thing in the morning, may make it easier to plan and uphold this tradition.

10.  Moment of Silence:

At your holiday celebration, allow people an opportunity to share the name of loved ones they've lost and then have a moment of silence to remember those people.

11. Tell Stories:

Every year on my daughter's birthdays, I tell them about the day they were born. Why not start a tradition of telling special holiday stories on the holiday? Instead of reading the kids 'Twas the Night Before Christmas when you tuck them into bed, start the tradition of telling them a story from a holiday when their loved one was alive.

12. Add an Extra Plate:

Always add an extra plate to your dinner table to symbolize your loved one's presence in everyone's hearts and minds.

holiday tradition after a death; extra plate at the table

13. Holiday Memory/Gratitude Box:

Leave a box, slips of paper, and pens out, and ask friends and family to write down their favorite holiday memories, memories of loved ones, or gratitudes. Ask them to put their slips in the box and read them over dessert. If you feel as though your family has had an especially tough year, writing down gratitudes might help people to shift their perspective a little bit.

14. Remembrance Ornaments and Trees:

Buy a new ornament every year that reminds you of your loved one. This could be an ornament that you think is pretty, a photo ornament, or an ornament that symbolizes something about your loved one. If children are affected by the loss, invite them to help you select the ornament or even allow them the opportunity to make the ornament themselves. You can also try:

  • Having a tree for your loved one: Consider buying a small tree specifically for these remembrance ornaments. This will give people an opportunity to look at the ornaments all together, ask questions, and reminisce. You might even consider having a specific tradition for decorating and lighting this tree.
  • Create a remembrance tree: If you will have a lot of people at your celebration, or if you have a lot of visitors throughout the season (or if you work at a grief center or hospice), put up a remembrance tree. Set up a table with sharpies and ornaments people can write on close to the tree. Allow anyone who passes through to write the name(s) of their deceased loved one(s) on an ornament and invite them to hang their ornament on the tree.

15. Stockings and Garlands:

Set out slips of paper and pens and instruct people to write any of the following of the slips of paper:

  • memories
  • moments that made you think of/miss your loved one
  • words of encouragement to other family members
  • words of appreciation for other family members
  • gratitudes

Or have a designated stocking or garland (here are some awesome garland ideas!) where people can share their slips.

16. Put Regrets to the Fire:

Henry Havelock Ellis said, "All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."  In addition to the memories and traditions you keep with you, you may also be holding onto things like regret, guilt, and feelings of resentment. Start a holiday tradition of lighting a fire, writing down your regrets from the past year, and then throwing your regrets into the fire to symbolize a fresh start.

holiday tradition after a death
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We invite you to share your experiences, questions, and resource suggestions with the WYG community in the discussion section below.

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for over a decade, we finally wrote a tangible,
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After writing online articles for What’s Your Grief for over a decade, we finally wrote a tangible, real-life book!

What’s Your Grief? Lists to Help you Through Any Loss is for people experiencing any type of loss. This book discusses some of the most common grief experiences and breaks down psychological concepts to help you understand your thoughts and emotions. It also shares useful coping tools, and helps the reader reflect on their unique relationship with grief and loss.

You can find What’s Your Grief? Lists to Help you Through Any Loss wherever you buy books:

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116 Comments on "16 Ideas for Creating New Holiday Tradition After a Death"

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  1. Molly Button  December 16, 2020 at 9:05 am Reply

    We are grieving the loss of my daughter and her husband’s first child, a beautiful and perfect daughter, to stillbirth at 39 weeks and 6 days on November 12th, 2020. This Christmas should have been so different. It is further complicated by the fact that my three son’s all had or are having baby girls this year too. Reminders everywhere of what could-should-have been. We are all doing our very best to honor her memory and talk about her. We’re putting her stocking up and all writing messages to her. This is so hard.
    We are most proud of the fact that we are starting a Memorial, an Endowment, in her name that will outlive us all and work to help other couples and families that experience this. Talking about her and loving one another even more fiercely than before will be her legacy.
    My heart goes out to anyone reading this who is grieving. There simply is no way around it. You’ve got to go through it. sending love ❤️

    • IsabelleS  December 17, 2020 at 9:52 am Reply

      Molly, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad to hear you’re finding ways to honor her during the holidays. You may want to check out this post for more ideas: https://whatsyourgrief.com/ways-to-remember-loved-ones-during-the-holidays/ Although some of the suggestions may not apply, there are many that would work well. Something you’ve said struck me: “Talking about her and loving one another even more fiercely than before will be her legacy.” How absolutely beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to comment and to share your story.

      • Jen  December 23, 2020 at 9:06 pm

        My heart goes out to you for the loss of your daughter and granddaughter. Losing a child is heartbreaking. I lost my husband in July.. he was the love of my life, and I miss him so much sometimes it’s hard to breathe. Grieving is a difficult journey…it’s sad, it’s lonely, we are all just looking for some magical thing that can help to lessen the pain. Good luck on your journey Molly.. I wish for you a little peace and serenity.

    • Siobhan Cassidy  December 3, 2021 at 11:16 pm Reply

      We just lost our daughter and our first granddaughter, tragically unknown reason. Also November 12 but documented November 13 2021. Our hearts are broken and I don’t know how I can do this with out her. It was also her first baby with her husband. We talk about her everyday look at photos and videos. I don’t think she is at peace. Because she wasn’t prepared to leave us. I feel she is angry but loving her baby girl. Not sure if I can do Christmas. Our Grandbaby, her name is Noelle! Just so broken right now.

    • Melissa  December 17, 2021 at 3:42 pm Reply

      Jen, I also lost my Husband of 35 years in August
      It’s very hard this year not only for my husband pass but my Son of 34 years doesn’t want to be part of the family any longer so it’s a great loss!
      Molly I’m so sorry for your loss thank you for the great ideas
      God bless y’all

  2. Andriana Moschouris  March 26, 2020 at 1:11 pm Reply

    We just lost my brother this year and now I left as the only child. My brother’s death has changed our whole family dynamic and holidays so far have been so hard for everyone. Mother’s day is coming up and father’s Day to follow, I can’t imagine how hard it will be for my parents. I have no idea how to celebrate when we are all mourning the loss of son and brother. I want to celebrate my parents though.

  3. Vanessa Pope  December 24, 2019 at 8:34 am Reply

    I lost my best friend, my mom over 4 years ago. All holidays and celebrations are pretty difficult, but Christmas was her favorite which makes it the worst. Every Christmas Eve she would sit in my room with my husband and me as we stuffed stockings. She would eat the leftover candy and play with the extra little toys. We would spend hours just laughing and playing around. We always made 5 stockings-3 for the kids and nana and papa. The first few years were so very difficult! I would start putting stuff in hers, meltdown, and then leave the room unable to finish. Well the other day my dad through me for a loop. He walked in and asked have u got leftovers yet? I want some candy please. I hadn’t even separated anything yet, but I got him some candy and after he left the room had a good cry. His stockings were always “normal” like the kids, but this year papa will be getting a special stocking!!!

  4. Teresa  December 21, 2019 at 9:04 am Reply

    We lost our 33 year old son April 5, 2019 and we are so missing his joy of the holiday season. . He loved colored lights as opposed to the white lights. So instead of our vacation tree decorated with ornaments from places we’ve visited, it is now our son’s tree, with all the ornaments he was given through the years. I like your idea of buying new ornaments in honor of them so I will do that. And colored lights. We had our 2 young grandsons decorate it since they were very close to their uncle. I also had 2 bears made out of one of his shirts, and a fleece blanket with pictures of my son with each of them, with the saying “ Wrap yourself up in my forever love for you”. This first year is going to be difficult and I know plenty of tears will be shed. He was not a big sweet eater, but he did like my cutout cookies without the frosting, so I left some undecorated and will take them to his grave.
    I contemplated leaving the place setting for him at Thanksgiving but my other children were opposed which is fine. But I like the idea of lighting a candle with the blessing so we will do that on Christmas.
    May we all find peace and comfort in our hearts this season. Thank you for these suggestions!

  5. Debs  December 9, 2019 at 10:21 pm Reply

    Grateful for everyone who shared their losses and know how challenging the holidays are, especially the first year. When my husband died at 42 I had a 3.5 yr old. , we were blessed to connect with a grief and loss group in Tucson, AZ called, Children to Children. What an amazing group of volunteers! C2C served children and family members /their caretakers affected by the death of a loved one (not always medically related). Children had a variety of craft playrooms, dress up activities and playground time. If they wanted to speak in their group they could, same for adults in the talking rooms. There was food, fellowship, compassionate leaders, family and children of all ages. It was magical the healing that occurred by being around others who understood, yet didn’t need to fix you. We went at our own pace without expectation of time; grief has no timetable, it does not stop, we do not get over it, it simply gets different over time. Love needs a place to go, grief needs a place to go – being around supportive and nurturing friends and family is key along with giving of yourself as a pathway forward for your grief. Write, draw, talk, sing, create new routines, light candles, etc., in the Mexican tradition of honoring the dead, making an altar and filling it with special mementos, foods, pics, pieces of jewelry, foods , etc., as we did each year for
    De Los Muertos Family night at C2C. wS so wonderful. The children loved being engaged in choosing their memento.
    So, although 23 yrs have passed and life has changed, we still stop to remember, and honor the day with pics and stories.
    I choose to work Homeless food programs during the holidays as a way to acknowledge my gratitude, give back, engage with strangers and open a pathway for my lost love(s) to find a way outward.
    Being around others in their process will surprise and change you.
    Best to you, and yours this Season

  6. Sylvia  December 7, 2019 at 8:52 pm Reply

    I read this after the loss of many close family. Down to a sister and her family, not physically close, and cousins physically close but…not close to. Last year I spent fighting cancer, this year recovering from the treatments and trying to find my new normal yet again. Single, childless, and with no family I want to be with….did the charity thing but now what? I don’t have it in me to volunteer….

    • J Munson  December 8, 2019 at 11:17 am Reply

      So sorry to read this, Sylvia. After five years of mourning various tragedies in my life – with my life on hold, barely functioning – I recently gave myself permission to “live again.” I am smiling around strangers, making myself available to be a friend, apologizing to some for going AWOL for years, even buying foolish little things for myself. At some point, please give yourself permission to LIVE. I even made a new friend volunteering (and I was not the volunteering type). Human contact helps, I find. As does a good book. And sometimes, a good cry. Good luck.

  7. Christina  December 1, 2019 at 5:17 pm Reply

    My husband of 20 years does suddenly at just 52 on November 28. We have two daughters aged 21 and 12 and I just don’t know how we are going to do Christmas. We were supposed to be having the whole family to our house but I don’t think I can do that without him. He loved Christmas at home with his family. I can’t bear the thought of putting the Santa stocking up Christmas eve without him. I have to try to get through with some kind of normal particularly for my youngest daughter as she was very close to her Dad. I work full-time so he would get her school lunch together and take her to school and pick her up. It is just do unreal as he had nothing wrong with him, I came home from work and found him dead on the floor, I know we were all loved and I know he knew we loved him but my mind keeps going to the bad bits, when I snapped at him because I was grumpy or pushed him to try to find work to ease things financially. Even though he was renovating our house and doing an amazing job at it, so I feel sad and guilty and not worthy and just do sorry I didn’t hold him tighter.

    • Kay  December 1, 2019 at 6:18 pm Reply

      Hi Christina,
      I feel your pain, but not as a wife, as a child. More likely, what your 12 year old feels right now is what I felt when my mother passed away, 20 years ago on Christmas Day in 1999. I was 15 years old and didn’t fully understand what had happened. She had been ill but only 51. It felt like childhood and all the magic of Christmas was ripped away from me. I too regretted not paying enough attention to her in her final weeks and days, not appreciating her fully, and wondering if she knew how important she was to me. This is normal, but not easy to feel. If anything, the years since her passing has taught me to recommend the grieving process to everyone, especially children. They need it for themselves, and they need to see you grieve, too. It will not be easy this Christmas, for sure, but it shouldn’t be, and that’s OK. Maybe just do what you can to celebrate, but not duplicate prior years. You can’t replicate the past, but you can start a new tradition this year, and that’s celebrating your husband (as painful as that sounds). Make a tribute to him that you can repeat every year. My family has made the mistake of glossing over her death like it never happened, and that hasn’t been healthy for me. This year I want to make a tribute to her. If you try it, I hope it works for you too.

    • Deanna  December 16, 2019 at 12:06 pm Reply

      Hi Christina, I don’t know where you live, I’m in central NJ, but my husband of 20 years passed away unexpectedly too on 11/6/19 at 57 years old. We have a 19 year old son and 14 year old son. Christmas was his fave holiday and we are struggling to be able to want to do anything. Maybe together we can figure out some new ideas?

  8. Pamela Earp  December 1, 2019 at 10:35 am Reply

    It is comforting to read the stories of others and realize that we all share similar grief from the loss of loved ones.i lost my husband of 41 years just a few weeks ago on November 9, 2019. Thanksgiving was difficult and I can’t find any joy in planning for the Christmas season. My children are grown, but I have got to pull myself together to preserve the holiday for them and honor the memory of their dad.

  9. Alex  November 22, 2019 at 6:51 pm Reply

    We lost my father at 64 in January after a short horrendous battle with cancer. He missed his grandson being born by 6 weeks. I am very sorry to all of you who have also lost loved ones. Some of your stories are impossibly sad and it isn’t fair. I work for an animal charity and plan to donate nice gifts/small monetary donations to charities to honor my dad this year. I was thinking of volunteering at the holidays as well. If you arent a regular volunteer, I highly suggest trying it out for a day. I really believe it may give you some happiness just even for a little bit. You will feel needed, for those of you feeling helpless or lonely. ♡ I wish you all strength. Remember you are not alone.

  10. Sar  November 15, 2019 at 4:14 pm Reply

    Wow this is incredible… I lost my younger brother in an accident on April 27th 2019… With the holidays coming I am having a very tough time finding my joy… Thank you for this post and comments.

    • Cal  November 23, 2019 at 10:26 am Reply

      We also lost a younger brother (an identical twin) in September 2019 to a car accident who would be 25 in January. We are struggling to get through the holidays and their birthday.

  11. Theresa Graybell  November 15, 2019 at 10:41 am Reply

    No Christmas this year… too sad!!!

    • GAIL TONELLI  December 19, 2019 at 8:55 pm Reply

      Please rethink the “No Christmas this year.”
      God has a plan for each and every one of us. His plans are perfect. We cannot understand God’s ways because his ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts.

      New Heart English Bible
      “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” says the LORD.
      For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways …. Both the thoughts and the acts of God SURPASS MAN’S UNDERSTANDING.

      Remember, we are told not to lean to our own understanding. This is where FAITH is paramount. There is a time/season for everything. Death is something we will all face. Look for positive ways to remember your loved one. And, by all means, talk about him and keep his memory alive.

      Before I turned to Christ, I grieved for almost 40 years over my loved one. I was full of “why” and “if I could only say one more thing to him”. The why is obvious. Because we all die. Wanting to say one more thing…… we will always want to say “one more thing”.

      Please do a little something for Christmas to honor your loved one and to wish Jesus a happy birthday.

      It is not easy but don’t give up. There is always comfort in God’s word for any and all circumstances. Today it is so easy to look up answers in the Bible. Type your question in Google and you will receive numerous passages from the Bible.

      God bless and good healing to you.

  12. Christina Pollock  November 11, 2019 at 11:17 am Reply

    My 44 year old son died December 21, 2019 from Stage 4, metastatic lung cancer. He was my only child. I don’t remember Christmas last year at all and dread Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. Growing up Christmas was always a time of great activity and excitement with many friends and relatives. I continued that tradition with my son and then with my two grandsons as well. In the following years we moved to another state and lost contact with all our friends in CT. We haven’t developed any close friendships here. My sister and her family have been estranged from us for years. I am close with my brother but he and his family live in CA and neither family has the money to travel. One of my grandsons lives in CT but has become estranged from us because of a drug problem. Our parents are all gone. My daughter in law and other 23 year old grandson live near us…but that’s it. So Christmas will now be just the four of us which makes the sense of loss total. I feel like mu son left us all alone. My son loved the holidays and between me and him we really made the holidays a special event. It makes it hard to recreate the joyous Christmases of the past and no one can really get in the Christmas spirit. I was maintaining up until this point, but now the pain is overwhelming with the approach of the holidays. However, I will try some of these suggestions and hope they will allow us to enjoy the holidays in a new way. I know he would want me to try.

  13. Tammy Cox  November 10, 2019 at 10:31 pm Reply

    My brother passed away in September 2007. My dad passed away on July 22, 2019 and three months later my mom passed away on October 26, 2019. I am the only person left in my family. I have no idea how I will get through Thanksgiving with my daughter away in Japan. I am married and I have a grown son that lives at home but they are not really into celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas the way I am. I no longer have a compatible shopping buddy. My mom was my best friend and the hole in my life is so big. I could really use some good ideas on how to get through this alone.

    • Kelly Whitlow  December 4, 2019 at 7:05 pm Reply

      Tammy, I am so sorry for your loss. My sister died in a car accident on September 19th and I came here to read about ideas on getting through the holidays, too, but I have my whole family living still and her children. I can’t imagine your grief. Do you have friends who will take you in and welcome you to their celebrations? If not, can you take friends in yourself and create a new tradition? What about volunteering? I hope you are able to find something that works well for you.

  14. Debra Miranda  November 6, 2019 at 1:44 pm Reply

    We lost our 18 year old son on 7/27/19 and I just want to skip over the Holidays. We have 2 younger children that are expecting all the traditions from the past since Christmas was my favorite holiday. I Know it’s not fair to them but I just don’t want to celebrate. There were some good ideas in this article, I’m going to try to make new traditions to honor our son.

  15. susan  November 4, 2019 at 9:51 am Reply

    I lost my beautiful Abby on 8/2/2019 in a car accident. She had just turned 27 and was my best friend. It was 3 mos ago and I am dreading the holidays without her here with us. I have prayed to dream about her, but nothing. I can’t even imagine getting thru life without her, much less the holidays.

    • Rebecca  November 16, 2019 at 5:06 pm Reply


      My husband and I just lost our only child, our only son in an accident about one mile from home on 2/26/19. He was 17 and senior in high school. He was my world. He and I were extremely close and I just can’t imagine what I’m gonna do for the rest of my life. Everything I did was for him. He was my purpose and now I have no purpose. I’m just numb. I feel your pain and I too don’t know how I’m gonna get through the holidays. I want to keep his memory alive because touched so many lives and he is missed by so many. He was an incredible young man who was part of me and when he passed away part of me went with him. I wish you strength in getting through the holidays and I will pray for you to find your way to get through the rest of the year.

  16. Alexandra  November 3, 2019 at 1:10 am Reply

    I am sitting here reading all of the saddness and grief about your stories, hoping it will bring me and my family a little hope and understanding that our now new life’s must deal with. Praying ( even though my faith at the moment is questionable) we all could know what to exactly say to one another, because right now i just dont have the words? So this is my story, no my nightmare that i cant seem to wake up from. I lost my father three years ago, still to me feels like it was like yesterday, honestly i’m not yet over that, maybe never will? First of all NO child grown or not should EVER have to witness their parent dying right before your eyes, even more painful, brutal, heartless, merciless to have your loved one not who they were anymore, and having to care for them in that state is just so NOT right !!! Something that will be with us forever, i had to see my dad have a stroke right in front of me, and there was’nt anything i could do. I wish i could get that image out of my head, but i cant, it’s with me always. And i’m ashamed to say this but i still can’t get myself to visit his grave. And my story with sadness continues, i just lost my BELOVED sister a couple of months ago. I thought writing about my father was hard, but this is completely DEVASTATING… Still in shock over her loss, i can’t wrap my head around this, or i just don’t want to believe it. She besides being my sissy, she was my best friend, she was my other half ( like if i had a twin ) she was a part of me, like my right hand. I will NEVER EVER get over or through this, a part of me died with her, all i’m stuck with is this empty hole in my heart.. Sometimes i feel like i can’t catch my breath, just feeling numb these days. But she’s going to be with me FOREVER, this is without a doubt going to be the hardest thing i’m ever going to have to go through. My hero, a loving husband, the most amazing father, grandfather, human being i “THANK-YOU” for making me the strong person i am today. My BEAUTIFUL gift that was given to me from god, the other half of me, my SISTER i “THANK-YOU” for giving me a enormous amount of laughter, and the ability to LOVE. Sissy you’ve made me become a better person. And i will be forever grateful for that. For all of us that are suffering or that have suffered losing a loved one, i wish for all these people who are hurting a simple hand out to you, a smile & hug might be nice, a plain nudge from someone would be pretty kind. Sorry for all that’s not quite whole anymore,

    • Becky  December 2, 2019 at 5:47 pm Reply

      Alexandra, after reading all the sadness from those feeling such loss, yours really stuck out.
      Our family too, has also lost many family members and friends. The youngest at 2 yrs and then of course the senior ones. It is never easy as you already know. But somehow after reading your story, I know you will make it through. You questioned how you would make it and even doubted your faith a bit, but then, in a way, you answered yourself. It’s what our loved ones have left in our hearts that make us strong. With that Love, strength, humor and compassion along with our faith, we can do it. One thing I am learning is that it’s not forgetting the pain, it’s remembering the Love. In remembering that Love, it puts that pain in a kind of limbo. Because they meant so much to me, I know it will never really go away completely, but the Love makes it easier. But, don’t ever let anybody tell you how to grieve or that it is time to move forward, we are all different. Only you can make that call. Oh, and some may call it crazy, but I always talk to them. Although they can’t speak back with words, I feel they can still hear me. God Bless and wishing all the best to you in your healing journey.

  17. Linda  November 1, 2019 at 8:25 pm Reply

    I’ve just come across this, searching in desperation to make some sense out of Christmas. It was Christmas Day last year that I found my daughter dead in bed from a seizure. I’m dreading the holiday and grateful for any suggestions. Thank you.

    • Sonya Bonar  November 3, 2019 at 1:21 am Reply

      Linda, we found our 23 year old daughter dead after a seizure as well. I’m so sorry. Her friend from work found her on December 6.

  18. D. Khoury  October 23, 2019 at 1:33 am Reply

    I’m so grateful for this article and the posted comments. As someone else posted, it’s heartening to know we’re not alone in the grief my family has experienced this year. In a period of two months, we lost my mother-in-Law to a heart attack, my grandmother to dementia and pneumonia, my aunt to a brain injury after falling and hitting her head, and my teenage niece to suicide. I am terrified for my children, husband, brother, sister, older niece, sister-in-Law, brother-in-Law, father and mother this thanksgiving and Christmas (but I’m so very ready for 2019 to be behind us)! Searching up how to survive the holidays after the death of a Loved one (or several Loved ones), brought me here to honoring those with new traditions. Thank you all for sharing. And may we take comfort in our collectiveness.

  19. Lori  August 18, 2019 at 7:55 am Reply

    I lost my husband of 36 years 4 months ago and the pain is unbearable at times… but I am dreading Christmas! Christmas was huge at our house, we have 5 children and 10 grandchildren and out house was always decorated completely… we would fill everyone s stockings and have a huge tree and we enjoyed Christmas so much but my husband was a huge part of our family now nothing is the same! I get an anxiety attach thinking about it… I know Christmas is a ways away but I don’t know what to do… I have 2 grown children who live close and they have there own families and they surround me a lot so I’m not hurting but I know they are hurting too!! Any ideas on any new traditions

  20. Monique Mcdaniel  May 5, 2019 at 7:57 am Reply

    I just lost my 24 year old daughter Faith on New Years Day (2019) to Kidney Cancer. Getting through everyday without her has been so hard. I am dreading Christmas which is her favorite holiday. Ever since she was about 6 yo at about 2 am she would come all excited and say “it’s Christmas can we open our gifts?” And every year she was sent back to bed until morning. It became our families tradition. She did it without fail every Christmas! Last Christmas from the hospital she called my phone (I went home to tend to my youger daughter and left her dad there) and said “It’s Christmas can I open my gifts?” I without fail told her to take her butt back to bed until morning when I got there with her gifts! I lost it knowing that it would be the last time I would hear her say that on Christmas! I think at around 3 am every Christmas we will open a gift for Faith in her honor! My angel ?

    • Barbara Spangler  November 10, 2019 at 10:08 pm Reply

      That will be a wonderful way for you to honor her memory, and as time goes on you will find other ways to keep her memory alive. Family and friends will share stories about her, things that you didn’t even know about her, and they too will want to keep her memory alive. It is with great unbearable sadness that we bear each day without our child being here, and a lady that I’ve come to know who has lost three of her children, told me, make friends with your grief, because it is always going to be with you. I have as best as I can, I lost my child to cancer as well, he was 40 yo, it will be 4 yrs. this next June, took him in 6 weeks, I feel your pain, and I know that it is so very important for us to talk about our child , but I think sometimes others feel uncomfortable with those conversations. I hope you can find peace one day in the midst of this devastating loss, and faith that one day you will see her again. Peace be with you.

    • Glen  December 22, 2019 at 6:38 pm Reply

      I am so sorry you lost her. I know picures help a bit. I had stage 2 clear cell cancer in my left kidney. Men get it twice as much as women do. I am 53. Maybe she can appear to you on your sleep. Just know she thinks about you every day probably
      Both my parents have passed and have appeared to me in my sleep. I am so sorry. It would be nice to go back in time abd change things.

  21. Chris  March 18, 2019 at 9:40 pm Reply

    I have lost my Mother,Father and Soul mate with in 26 months
    I can’t even bear the thought about Thanksgiving and Christmas 2019.

  22. Mike F  December 25, 2018 at 6:42 pm Reply

    Reading all these posts make me realize I’m not alone, just lost my younger sister at age 53 to pancreatic cancer, it hurts for me and all of our family.
    Thank all of you for sharing, thanks so much!

  23. Cathy Jensen  December 24, 2018 at 12:52 pm Reply

    Our want of holiday celebrations and traditions with the dead is the result of our Western beliefs. Although most funeral sermons repeat that the dead are not really dead and those in attendance nod in vague agreement, we don’t get it. Not really.
    We do our best to believe that we will see our loved one again in some sort of a heavenly realm that we assume is inaccessible to the living – in spite of the fact that we have been clearly told by many who seem to know, “Heaven is spread upon the earth, but mankind doesn’t see it.”
    Heaven is here and the dead are with us. To know this truth, you have to go beyond belief to experience it, for it is one of the mysteries of existence that no deep truth can be known until it is experienced. But you must allow for the experience. The holidays are a perfect time to begin.
    During the twelve days of Christmas LOVE flows. Abundantly. Vibrantly. Contagiously. And it is love that opens hearts to the possibility that those who have walked into death before us can be found. A very simple suggestion for a Christmas love-quest: download Raymond Moody’s 1980 documentary, Life After Life, and watch it with your family and friends.
    Merry Christmas Aaron the Baron, Leifer, Diana, Efrain, John, Conn, Dulce, Danny, Tim, Jerry, Dana, L. J., JoAnn, Joe, Terri, Kathy, Greg, Steve, Jeff, Dad, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Aniceto, Laura, dear Marisol and dear Lucy, and so many more. You are loved

  24. Sandra D  December 24, 2018 at 7:31 am Reply

    We lost my dad on January 12th, 2018; he died of a heart attack at age 76. He was a very loving father whom enjoyed Christmas and always made our family dinners for special occasions. My only son took his own life 5 months later at the age of 22 on June 25th, 2018.
    Christmas was always my favourite time of the year. I have not put a tree or decorations up this year. All that I have hung are my late son’s and my only daughter’s stockings.
    Christmas music makes me cry but I enjoy listening to them. I bought ornaments in their memory and have bought my son a Christmas card to put on his grave.
    I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to celebrate anything in life again. This grief has exhausted me mentally and physically. I’m sending my prayers to each and every one of you for strength to get through the holidays in the best way possible.

    • Kat  December 25, 2018 at 3:18 am Reply

      So sorry for your loss… sending prayers to you during this very difficult time ??

  25. Jess  December 23, 2018 at 1:57 pm Reply

    My dad passed unexpectedly in the spring. We crawled through thanksgiving by trying to pretend everything was normal. You probably know how that went… I want to thank you for these wonderful ideas. For my family, the memory box will be perfect this year. I think I’ll also incorporate it into my upcoming wedding as well. It will be bittersweet to see what memories family and life long friends will come up with, and it’s something we can hold on to forever.

  26. Louise  December 23, 2018 at 2:03 am Reply

    My daughter passed away unexpectedly on the 3rd of September 2018 and I’m trying to pull together some sort of “normal” Christmas for her 4 siblings left behind. We are all an absolute mess?
    We had bought a special angel decoration with her name ingraved for our tree and are trying to find some special way to honour her memory. Thank you for your ideas, I felt so lost but at least have astarting point. Xxxx

    • Crystal  December 23, 2018 at 1:02 pm Reply

      Prayers for you and your family. I lost my brother this year and my family is doing everything possible to keep it positive for my little ones that was very close to him. It is definitely hard and not the same. Most important is just keep his memories going and try to just talk about all the good memories you have. Merry Christmas to your family

  27. Kesh  December 22, 2018 at 10:09 pm Reply

    I lost my mother December 13, 2018. One month after my birthday. This is my first Christmas without her. I stood in the card aisle today at the store unable to move because I couldn’t get her a card, my first year of not getting her a silly gift. It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve heard her voice. She was on a ventilator for 2 weeks before she passed and I feel as though I’m slowly dying inside. I have to be strong for my son but I feel as though this year, Christmas is nothing to me without her being there with us. Her smile as he opened up her gifts, her laugh. Just everything.

    • Dawn  December 23, 2018 at 12:26 pm Reply

      I am sorry for your loss. Why not continue to buy her a card and put it on the tree or her grave. I believe our loved ones are still with us. At Christmas, we share funny stories of our loved ones or make ornaments for them. We do what we can to cope. You never forget, but it does get easier. I hope you find some peace and comfort.

  28. Jayne  December 17, 2018 at 11:10 pm Reply

    I lost my Mommy in May of 2018. Sometimes it hurts so bad I want to disappear. she had cancer, I knew it was terminal. i just don’t know I will make it without her. I loved her so much I wish I could see her again. Christmas means nothing to me. They say a year passes and your better. That hasn’t been my experience. I can think more, but I ache still

    • Pat  December 21, 2018 at 11:12 am Reply

      Hello darling, I’m sorry that you list your mommy. My grand daughter is having a empty feeling during this time after the loss of her mom, me too. We have to take the time to cry and move through our strong emotions. What would your mom normally do. I like the suggestions in this article. Reach out to your other family members. Ask if you can join them in some activities. What did your mom and you do during Christmas? My love to you darling.

    • Scott  April 30, 2019 at 1:49 pm Reply

      My mom died of lung cancer. I’m in mid 40s. While she was still up and about, my best friend and light of my life for ten years, found a sugar daddy on facebook, stuck around till mom passed, dumped me night before first thanksgiving. My girls grown, I’m in the house I grew up in, alone since. Big mistake. Falling apart, was easy. I refuse to participate. No more. Xmas carols, are like torture. One event or the other, things were too much for both. Last two people I could trust, gone. (Love my kids, try not to inject my dark cloud into their lives) year one, almost didn’t make it. Year two really repeated the first, but I wasn’t looking out for me. I looked in, you know? Year 3. I’m not going to lie, but I’ve found good work, built a shelf up into a” shrine” or memory shelf, candles, photos, rotate some, some will stay there until we are all gone. I’ve realized, it’s going to be as bad as you make it. (Which I Excell at). May not make it better, just don’t make it worse. It sounds crazy, I may be, but I see her, in the trees so convincingly, the first time I wept, and stood there shaking. TMI, sorry. Nothing wrong with not going overboard, over stressing and making it harder on yourself. Thas easy for me to say, no relatives in the south. Only friend I thought I had, on back of a harley with some jerk…so, I hope it gets… less painful. For both of us.

      • Ruth  May 14, 2019 at 10:13 am

        Dear Scott, I’m so sorry for your lonely journey through your loss. I will think of you often, so you aren’t completely alone. I lost my son last May (2019) three weeks after a cancer diagnosis. You and I will never be the same.

  29. Karen ward  December 14, 2018 at 2:56 pm Reply

    My Father went to heaven on April 03, 2018 with failing health issues. My Mother is home with me on Hospice care.
    My Brother and I had been blessed to have our original parents for our life time and were privileged to celebrate their 60th Anniversary with them in December of 2017..
    I knew the Month of December would be difficult for my Brother and I as our Father really was a big kid at heart and growing up, he never had a big Christmas with presents to open, so I always made sure there were lots of little gifts for him to open. This year will be so different. Our Christmas week always began on my Fathers Birthday, December 20th, followed by my parents Anniversary celebration, on the 21st and then our family Christmas Party and then Christmas Day. The unwrapping of gift, the smell of my Dads very own Turkey to carve, visitors popping in etc..
    2018 was a very painful year.
    My only sibling, my BROTHER, went to heaven, August 12, 2018, 4 days after my Birthday and four months and nine days after our Father left us. It was a tragic accident and know one expected the loss of my only sibling.
    My brother left behind six grown children. Their Holiday will never be the same either.
    AND, now, here at my house, for the first time, our celebration will be just myself and my mother. I honestly don’t know what to do do…God Bless each one of you during the holidays and I pray we all find peace and gentle blessings.
    I think I will bake a birthday cake for Jesus this year to start a new tradition. ?❤️

  30. Michelle  December 12, 2018 at 12:02 am Reply

    I lost my husband of 32 years September 13, 2018 two days before my birthday. He died from stage 4 cancer. this will be our first Christmas without him tasting all the food to let us know if it is suitable for guests. I can’t get myself to do anything at all. I had my boys put up the tree, but here it is Dec 11th and still no decorations a bear tree sits against the wall, I wonder why I even got it out. Still I plan to have guests, so I must decorate the tree. Sounds like an easy task, but you see we have no ornaments to place, our tradition has been to make ornaments to put on the tree and on Christmas my family would take the ornaments and give as gifts to guests. My husband would buy a box or two of a nice book to wrap we would top with an ornament. Christmas Day he and the boys would pass the wrapped packages to people on the street in need of a little Christmas. This year I will surely be changing the tradition since I am still pulling myself out of the dumps, not even sure I want guests. With Gods strength, I will get through it and have a new joy in my heart for not giving up on Christmas… Thanks for your Ideas and all the comments .

  31. Bernice Singh  December 10, 2018 at 4:33 am Reply

    My son died by suicide on the 1st of May 2018. Its been 6 months but I still wait for him to walk through the door. He was 27 years old when we lost him. Just the thought of his dad and I finding him hanging from the ceiling bulk with his dogs belt leaves us broken and struggling to cope. This will be our first Christmas without him. This young man lost both his babies 4 years ago, one at three months pregnant and the other at two months and three weeks after losing his battle to a rare cancer. This broke my son he was never the same after that. Before all this he was well on his way to having all his dreams come true until the tragic day he lost his son and now I lost my son. I don’t know how much more I can take after laying my grandson to rest and 4 years later laying his dad to rest. The only thing that keeps ringing through my head is that my son use to tell me how he was empty and alone and he felt tired and all he wanted was to be with his son. After a few attempts of hanging himself to overdosing on drugs the final day arrived where he succeeded in doing so. My heart bleeds for him. For us Christmas will never be the same. I died the day my son died, I am trying to pick up the pieces but they are so many and I don’t know how I will ever heal from this. I prayed for my son more than I prayed for myself, I carried him in my spirit daily and prayed for the day God would heal him. Unfortunately that day never arrived , he could not fight anymore. Just the thinking about him leaves a hole in the pit of my stomach. I loved and still love this boy so much. I pray that your Christmas will be better than ours , hopefully some day we can find ways of reminding ourselves of all the good memories and times we shared. But for now all I can think of is never hearing his voice again or being able to prepare a meal for him or just running a bath for him. Just to hear him say ” Hello Mom are you ok” I will never have him say that to me ever again. Lord help me for this heartbreak I was never prepared for but find myself heart broken into a million little pieces. Father give us the strength to make it through this festive season with our boy.

    • Vickie Thomas  December 11, 2018 at 12:37 pm Reply

      Dearest Bernice, I cry for you at the unimaginable losses you have experienced. I’m glad you told your story b/c I think it helps to just get it out there. When my two precious grandchildren were killed, ages 18 and 11, in a tragic car wreck on their way to school Jan 18, 2017, my heart was ripped from my chest. Not only b/c of the enormous loss, but also b/c I could not “fix it” or make it better for my daughter and son-in-law. I have since learned a few things , and I hope in some small way you might find them helpful as well; if not now, maybe later.
      1) Everyone grieves differently; some in silence, some in tears, some in anger, some in talking. It’s all okay.
      2) Read and learn from others who have experienced suicide and/or death of a child.
      3) Memorialize your son and grandchildren in some way–plant a tree, have a memory garden, etc. I decorate their grave site with the changing seasons. I also have a sofa table filled with their pictures and other special things of theirs.
      4) Write. Write down your emotions, feelings, memories, prayers, thoughts.
      5) Live your life in such a way as to honor them–donate in their memory to a special charity or organization on holidays, birthdays, etc.
      6) Great grief is natural with the loss of great love.
      7) There is no “shortcut” with grief. It will be what it will be.
      8) You don’t know how strong you can be until there is no other choice.
      9) Get up every day and make your bed. Even if you don’t feel like it. Even if you just want to crawl back in it. Just make your bed so you will feel a sense of accomplishment.
      10) Baby steps are okay. When you can’t imagine a future without them, just take it a day at a time, or as my daughter has said, “a breath at a time” if that’s all you can do.
      11) And if you are a believer, pray, pray, pray. God knows what it’s like to lose a son to a very cruel death. Cling to that unimaginable, enormous love and find comfort in Him.

      Praying for you and all who have lost dear ones that you may know your worth, know you are loved, and know some day the grief will be more bearable. Baby steps, dear friends, baby steps.

  32. Debbie  December 8, 2018 at 1:38 pm Reply

    We lost our son on Sept 1, 2018. He was hit by a car. I am having a hard time with Christmas as I feel like our family is incomplete. I have grandchildren living with us so I know I must do the Christmas thing but if it wasn’t for them I don’t think I’d even do it at all. I’m just not sure how to pull this off. Took my 8 year old granddaughter and her 11 year old sister to see the Santa who was visiting the neighborhood on the fire truck tossing candy to the kids. She took off running back to the house. She said she was scared and missed her uncle. I am more concerned with the kids then myself but have to figure a way to pull this off. Thanks for the ideas in the article. Hugs to all here b

    • Claire  December 24, 2018 at 11:50 pm Reply

      I feel your pain as we lost our 17 year old son on Christmas Eve 2017 after he was knocked of his bike by a car. It’s 4.30am on Christmas Day 2018 as I type this, I’m still up, can’t sleep. We’re having an awful time right now with no Christmas in our house at all, it feels like I’m disrespecting my son to carry on as if we’re ok with him not been here because we’re not. All his presents from last year are still in his room, never to be unwrapped so this year we have done nothing, no tree, no lights, no cards, no gifts, no Christmas food and it sucks. We spent the money we would have on food and gifts for those in need and the homeless and to be honest I can’t wait for it to be over. Just sitting remembering past memories we all shared is torture at the moment and the longing I have to see him again is too much to bear at this special time of year but from now onwards all that the 23rd, 24th and 25th will be for us is the anniversaries of his accident, his death and the day he donated his organs to save others. Nobody should have to go and visit an accident site with flowers and candles on Christmas Eve but we do and more heartbreaking for me is that my daughter, his sister does as well.

  33. Rachael  December 5, 2018 at 4:19 pm Reply

    Our Mother passed away on 4/15/2018. My sister and I are reeling still. I changed jobs and am going after my post-graduate degree- anything to keep me from thinking about it. I live on the west coast and my sister is on the east coast. We do not even know how to comfort each other. This is so hard sometimes I can barely breathe. On top of that our oldest dog passed away in July and my spouse lost his job in September. I barely made it through Thanksgiving. I put up the Christmas tree anyway and I have little holiday cheer. I am just trying to get through this year. I am so sorry for everyone’s loss that has posted on this page. This actually made me feel a little better to write about it.

  34. Dixie  December 4, 2018 at 5:49 pm Reply

    Three months ago today, our Mom passed unexpectedly. Ten days later our Dad passed nearly a year earlier than expected. My sister and brother are very close in our bond. Our heads are still spinning ! We limped through Thanksgiving . We thought it would be a good thing to have Thanksgiving dinner in our parents’ home. It was harder than we realized for all of the adult grandchildren. We will not be having Christmas at their home. But I realized today something very significant. The wonderfully anticipated moment on Christmas Day when we give our folks their Christmas gifts will not happen this year or ever again. I called my brother and sister about this to confer about how we will manage. Mom and Dad was the center of Christmas Day. Brainstorming how to fill that void for all of us. Playing family games doesn’t seem to be it nor does “in memory” activities.

    • Vickie Phillips Thomas  December 11, 2018 at 12:52 pm Reply

      Your emotions are so raw right now. That is a lot of loss in such a short time. Those first holidays and special occasions without your loved ones are difficult to get through, much less plan something. The idea of celebration is not paramount when you are grieving; its more about survival. Perhaps in time you will feel more like observing holidays and special occasions. But they will be forever different. I can no longer put up a Christmas tree b/c each year I always added another photo ornament of each grandchild to the collection. I had 18 years of pictures of my granddaughter and 11 year of my grandson. I cannot continue that tradition. Instead we are trying, almost two years after their deaths, to reach out to others in need and give of our time and/or money to make things better for someone else. We are trying to spread kindness in their honor, b/c they were the epitome of kindness.

      Prayers for your strength, comfort, and direction as you learn to live again.

      I hope

  35. Kendra Coles  November 29, 2018 at 12:28 pm Reply

    We lost our mother March 12, 2018. She was 91 years old. She was the mother of 17 biological children. There is 11 daughters and 6 sons. We lost our father in 1988 but we lost a brother in August 2017. Mom grieved for him. He was the oldest of us 17. Im really grieving mom’s passing. She was amazing. She was the best mom ever. I’m trying to find a way to honor her memory this first Christmas without her.

  36. Jackie O.  November 12, 2018 at 10:25 pm Reply

    We lost our precious father 12/26/16. Difficult times, very difficult times followed as he was and continues to be our anchor our source of light and stability. That said, life is for the living. We are here today to embrace the beauty and strength of what was and still is on a different level. My challenge is to Live today channeling his best as it impacted me and Embrace the wondrous gifts of family and breath and life before me now. I write this humbly because it takes time… one cannot force it, however, we must look toward the future with hope and light and have Faith.

  37. A OTO  November 6, 2018 at 6:23 pm Reply

    I’m saddened to hear of everyone’s lost. I’m not alone. My luner twin” 2 years” passed away in a car accident right after my first daughter was born, then my best friend, “my baby brother” took his life at Christmas just a few years ago. This is the first I’ve spoke about this, but now I need to start Christmas again . Not only for me , but for my three daughters my two grandbabies and my mom and dad. I just don’t know how to do it.

    • Mark  November 12, 2018 at 9:47 pm Reply

      First of all I’m sorry for your loss I know the hurt of losing a loved one my wife after a lengthy illness of 16 years passed away December 15th and even though it’s been about 12 years ago to hurt still there we never had any children but we tried to adopt but we couldn’t because she was too sick every time this year I look for a family that’s hurting I start looking around Thanksgiving time and I picked all the family there are a lot of hurting people in this world. Last year I picked a lady who had two little girls and her husband walked out on her and she was left to raise the girls after Thanksgiving the Friday after I took some money out of the savings and I went Christmas shopping had the time of my life what Joy brought to know they would have a Christmas and it did.
      Thanksgiving Day after dinner get with your daughters and grandkids. And make it a family project to pick someone maybe lost their loved one and won’t have a Christmas this year maybe you can’t buy anything but bake cookies cakes you can make things for him if you can Sew make them things. And then maybe a Saturday before Christmas or something make a dinner it don’t have to be fancy sloppy joes and chips Kool-Aid play games and then take them in the living room and give them their gifts under the tree. What joy that brings. God bless have a blessed holiday.

      • Emily Bourke  November 16, 2018 at 4:30 pm

        Mark, I am sorry to hear of your wife’s passing. So very thoughtful of you to support a family in need for the holidays. It’s such a wonderful thing that makes you feel so good, and way to begin new traditions and memories. Your Angel’s heart and soul is forever with you, every step of the way when helping families. Her spirit is beaming through you. I know she loves and adores you starting that tradition and absolutely loves doing it with you, whether it’s sending a donation or physically helping. I too have done the same and sponsored a family going through a hard time yearly and I can’t explain the feeling. Unfortunately I won’t be able this year as my family is going through hard time ourselves from a tragic accident, but I am so happy to “know” you, and that you are doing this too. God bless you Emily. emilyb5106@gmail.com

      • Sharon  July 14, 2019 at 10:52 pm

        My husband died 4 months ago and I am trying to get my feet back on the ground. I think your idea of bringing joy to others who need help is wonderful. Last year, when my husband was alive and well, we did an advent food box and 3 days before Christmas was able to give it to a single mom with 2 children. I had about decided to not do anything, but I am encouraged now to look for a family and bless them. You are right, something as simple as sloppy joes, chips and a drink with a few gifts for a family in need is awesome. Bless you.

  38. rita  October 31, 2018 at 6:51 pm Reply

    my daughter lives 5 minutes away from me she sends me a text 2 or 3 times a year i see her 1 or 2 times a year. my husband passed xmas day 14 years ago i cant bear christmas the very word makes me feel ill but every year she asks me to christmas dinner. i feel shès a stranger and cannot face going to her home again.

  39. Deena  October 23, 2018 at 12:59 pm Reply

    We lost my mom suddenly this August (just over 2 months ago) due to a freak accident that occurred on their property. My dad is having a really hard time because he was there when the accident happened and he wasn’t able to help her. He spends most of his time at the cemetery, and I live 10 hours away. My brother, sister in law, husband and I purchased a memorial wind chime for the tree that sits at the foot of my moms resting place.
    My brother and I both have grown children, so we may not all be able to get together this first Christmas since my mom’s passing. I am lost as to what we can do together as a family if we are miles apart, in order to honor my mom. She was the center of our world – the most loving, caring, thoughtful, hard working person you could ever hope to love. Christmas was her special time. I still find myself waiting to have her call and ask for my Christmas list (even though I’m 48 – she did it every year). The traditions she started I’d like to keep going – like the Christmas Eve pajamas for the grandkids, the stockings, baking, etc. This was her favorite time of year and we can’t imagine it without her; but we want to honor her memory as I know she will be with us in spirit.

  40. Azarine Alderson  October 15, 2018 at 9:59 pm Reply

    My first born son Charles was killed on Mother’s day May 9, 2004. This year marks 14 years now , his birthday is coming up next month in November and I’m looking for some ideas on what to do, my children and myself have shared memories on his birthdays as well as making different art projects, l believe that l will release ballons this year, l as post different pictures of Charles on my Facebook page in his memory leading up the his birthday. I have made a beautiful Memory Box with beautiful pictures in it a different cards that people have given me over the years. This hasn’t been a easy journey to walk on but God is keeping me.

    • Frenchette  November 13, 2018 at 4:25 pm Reply

      I lost my son in 2015 to gun violence. I always celebrate his birthday with the release of balloons. Whatever age he would have been turning is how many balloons I release. I also invite people and ask them to bring at least 1 balloon. It warms my heart just thinking of it. I hope this helps.

    • Linda Fulk  December 15, 2019 at 6:23 pm Reply

      I lost my 45 year old son to kidney cancer on Mother’s Day 2019 and his birthday was in November. Thank you for good ideas.

  41. Sus  December 24, 2017 at 6:54 pm Reply

    Ever since my mom died, I no longer give Xmas gifts. Instead, I give ‘Yule Gifts – something I hand-make in honor of her. I also leave the gifts secretly, wrapped & bagged on the recipient’s door.
    This way they don’t have to feel the need to reciprocate….

  42. Sus  December 24, 2017 at 6:54 pm Reply

    Ever since my mom died, I no longer give Xmas gifts. Instead, I give ‘Yule Gifts – something I hand-make in honor of her. I also leave the gifts secretly, wrapped & bagged on the recipient’s door.
    This way they don’t have to feel the need to reciprocate….

  43. Carolynn  December 22, 2017 at 9:57 am Reply

    I am truly sorry to read some of the tragic losses in the preceding comments. My father died December 24th 2016 and now every Christmas Eve will be a time of mixed emotions and not so great memories. Knowing this I would like to do something to remember him with love. I don’t want it to be all about sadness and I was looking for an idea that we as a family could do to celebrate the holidays and include him in it. I like the holiday tree idea and I was given a christmas tree ornament with his picture in it so I even have a beautiful start on this symbol of remembrance that is about to be born.

  44. Carolynn  December 22, 2017 at 9:57 am Reply

    I am truly sorry to read some of the tragic losses in the preceding comments. My father died December 24th 2016 and now every Christmas Eve will be a time of mixed emotions and not so great memories. Knowing this I would like to do something to remember him with love. I don’t want it to be all about sadness and I was looking for an idea that we as a family could do to celebrate the holidays and include him in it. I like the holiday tree idea and I was given a christmas tree ornament with his picture in it so I even have a beautiful start on this symbol of remembrance that is about to be born.

  45. Bobbi  December 21, 2017 at 4:30 pm Reply

    My cousin & I were very close. He passed away suddenly a week ago. He was married and while my cousin was very sick, I tried to reach out to his wife with open-ended statements, I would ask how she was doing, she would say OK. I was not trying to be her best friend, she has plenty of friends, but it was obvious she didn’t feel comfortable sharing herself with me. I felt I was interfering and didn’t want to push myself onto her. I was very close with my cousin. We were a month apart in age and from infancy onward we had a special bond, so I’m hurting too. Today is the 21st of December and we laid him to rest yesterday. Christmas will never be the same and I understand that.and I’ve spent the last 25 years celebrating Christmas with them at their home on Christmas Eve. I’m lost for words and now it’s awkward for me. Fortunately for her, her daughter and grandchildren are staying with her. I have no children, I have a dog and my mother lives with me (who is 98). Any suggestions? Do I reach out to her on Christmas and say what? Merry Christmas?? I don’t think so.

  46. Bobbi  December 21, 2017 at 4:30 pm Reply

    My cousin & I were very close. He passed away suddenly a week ago. He was married and while my cousin was very sick, I tried to reach out to his wife with open-ended statements, I would ask how she was doing, she would say OK. I was not trying to be her best friend, she has plenty of friends, but it was obvious she didn’t feel comfortable sharing herself with me. I felt I was interfering and didn’t want to push myself onto her. I was very close with my cousin. We were a month apart in age and from infancy onward we had a special bond, so I’m hurting too. Today is the 21st of December and we laid him to rest yesterday. Christmas will never be the same and I understand that.and I’ve spent the last 25 years celebrating Christmas with them at their home on Christmas Eve. I’m lost for words and now it’s awkward for me. Fortunately for her, her daughter and grandchildren are staying with her. I have no children, I have a dog and my mother lives with me (who is 98). Any suggestions? Do I reach out to her on Christmas and say what? Merry Christmas?? I don’t think so.

  47. Sandy  December 14, 2017 at 12:29 pm Reply

    My heart aches for each of you. We lost my younger brother unexpectedly on Thanksgiving night 2016, He was 32. There’s no way around it, it’s a hard time for us. The holidays aren’t the same. It’s ok to grieve, it helps us slowly heal, but we also don’t want to be so “down” that we can’t get up. Our loved ones would not want that. Being surrounded by family and friends help make it through those especially tough holidays, but we have done several little things to keep his memory alive. On his birthday this past year, we planted a tree in my parents yard with a little memorial plaque and a small bench. We also have a lantern that my crafty cousin made for us for the holidays. It stays lit through the holiday season and its beautiful. I’ve seen them for sale online but if you are crafty, it’s something fairly easy to make. On the outside, it says: “Christmas in Heaven, What do they do? They come down to earth to spend it with you. So save them a seat. Just one empty chair. You may not see them, but they will be there.” Inside the lantern is a small chair with a tealight candle (the battery ones) and a small Christmas tree (dollhouse size).
    Like this one https://www.google.com/search?q=christmas memorial lantern&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwidpfuO7InYAhVH1mMKHZFkAbsQ_AUICygC&biw=1920&bih=963#imgrc=TJp6hgHg31_poM:
    If you don’t want to use the link, just look up memorial Christmas lanterns.

    For Christmas at my parents, we have our normal tree, but then we have a smaller one set up on a table and it is decorated with all of his ornaments that he made or acquired growing up. We are going to add a new one every year for him, be it memorial type or just something he liked or reminds us of him. I think its great way to include his memory into the holiday. On my tree, I have a beautiful angel ornament that I hang at the top. I stumbled upon it last year while shopping. It was out of place and it was so fitting that I wanted to buy more for my family members. So I went to the ornament section and couldn’t find it and the employee could not find anymore as well. It’s my way of saying that my brother led me to that ornament. We all have of our own beliefs but I believe their spirit stays with us even when they are gone by giving us signs. It helps me heal and puts a smile on my face because I may not be thinking of my brother at that particular moment.
    I think this year I will make his favorite dessert for Christmas and have that become a tradition as well. I love the stocking idea and putting notes inside each year too.

  48. Sandy  December 14, 2017 at 12:29 pm Reply

    My heart aches for each of you. We lost my younger brother unexpectedly on Thanksgiving night 2016, He was 32. There’s no way around it, it’s a hard time for us. The holidays aren’t the same. It’s ok to grieve, it helps us slowly heal, but we also don’t want to be so “down” that we can’t get up. Our loved ones would not want that. Being surrounded by family and friends help make it through those especially tough holidays, but we have done several little things to keep his memory alive. On his birthday this past year, we planted a tree in my parents yard with a little memorial plaque and a small bench. We also have a lantern that my crafty cousin made for us for the holidays. It stays lit through the holiday season and its beautiful. I’ve seen them for sale online but if you are crafty, it’s something fairly easy to make. On the outside, it says: “Christmas in Heaven, What do they do? They come down to earth to spend it with you. So save them a seat. Just one empty chair. You may not see them, but they will be there.” Inside the lantern is a small chair with a tealight candle (the battery ones) and a small Christmas tree (dollhouse size).
    Like this one https://www.google.com/search?q=christmas+memorial+lantern&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwidpfuO7InYAhVH1mMKHZFkAbsQ_AUICygC&biw=1920&bih=963#imgrc=TJp6hgHg31_poM:
    If you don’t want to use the link, just look up memorial Christmas lanterns.

    For Christmas at my parents, we have our normal tree, but then we have a smaller one set up on a table and it is decorated with all of his ornaments that he made or acquired growing up. We are going to add a new one every year for him, be it memorial type or just something he liked or reminds us of him. I think its great way to include his memory into the holiday. On my tree, I have a beautiful angel ornament that I hang at the top. I stumbled upon it last year while shopping. It was out of place and it was so fitting that I wanted to buy more for my family members. So I went to the ornament section and couldn’t find it and the employee could not find anymore as well. It’s my way of saying that my brother led me to that ornament. We all have of our own beliefs but I believe their spirit stays with us even when they are gone by giving us signs. It helps me heal and puts a smile on my face because I may not be thinking of my brother at that particular moment.
    I think this year I will make his favorite dessert for Christmas and have that become a tradition as well. I love the stocking idea and putting notes inside each year too.

  49. Charlene burch  December 6, 2017 at 4:53 am Reply

    My 24 year old son died unexpectedly .thanksgiving was unbearable. It was hard to be thankful when your so sad. His birthday is Sunday. 12/10/17. And Christmas is right around the corner. Not s u re how to make it through thsee next few weeks. Your ideas are helpful. Thank yii

  50. Charlene burch  December 6, 2017 at 4:53 am Reply

    My 24 year old son died unexpectedly .thanksgiving was unbearable. It was hard to be thankful when your so sad. His birthday is Sunday. 12/10/17. And Christmas is right around the corner. Not s u re how to make it through thsee next few weeks. Your ideas are helpful. Thank yii

  51. mkovach  December 4, 2017 at 1:27 am Reply

    My brother passed away suddenly on the 9th of October, 2017. He was 31, and I am 34. It was just the two of us in our family, with mom and dad. While it’s going on the month of Christmas, I am finding my mind gets the best of me and I struggle as to how to celebrate. I am married and have 2 wonderful children that have been supportive to me during this difficult time in my life. I have set up my tree, with feelings of numbness, I have also went Christmas shopping and was just not really feeling anything. I have decided to set up a small real Christmas tree in his memory every year as our new tradition in our home. He would always love to go out when we were kids and pick out the perfect Christmas tree. He preferred the smell of the fresh pine. I worry once Christmas day actually comes closer, I will become unstable and break down crying every night. I find it hard to sleep as it is, there will be so many firsts I will be doing in my life without him now. He was my baby brother, and I will always be his big sister.

    • Melinda H.  December 5, 2017 at 10:35 pm Reply

      I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s so fresh. What you are feeling is totally normal. I still have that numbness even though it’s been 4 years for me. Be gentle and patient with yourself. ((Hugs))

  52. mkovach  December 4, 2017 at 1:27 am Reply

    My brother passed away suddenly on the 9th of October, 2017. He was 31, and I am 34. It was just the two of us in our family, with mom and dad. While it’s going on the month of Christmas, I am finding my mind gets the best of me and I struggle as to how to celebrate. I am married and have 2 wonderful children that have been supportive to me during this difficult time in my life. I have set up my tree, with feelings of numbness, I have also went Christmas shopping and was just not really feeling anything. I have decided to set up a small real Christmas tree in his memory every year as our new tradition in our home. He would always love to go out when we were kids and pick out the perfect Christmas tree. He preferred the smell of the fresh pine. I worry once Christmas day actually comes closer, I will become unstable and break down crying every night. I find it hard to sleep as it is, there will be so many firsts I will be doing in my life without him now. He was my baby brother, and I will always be his big sister.

    • Melinda H.  December 5, 2017 at 10:35 pm Reply

      I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s so fresh. What you are feeling is totally normal. I still have that numbness even though it’s been 4 years for me. Be gentle and patient with yourself. ((Hugs))

  53. Michelle Shelton  November 24, 2017 at 10:52 pm Reply

    My mom passed away November 3, 2017. She had a heart attack. She was only 60 years old. It was very unexpected. We are struggling to continue on with the holidays but we know we have to for our children. I’ve been thinking about what we can do to keep moms memory alive and what can help us in the grieving process. thank you for the wonderful ideas. We will definitely incorporate a few of them into our family gathering this year for Christmas. God Bless!

  54. Michelle Shelton  November 24, 2017 at 10:52 pm Reply

    My mom passed away November 3, 2017. She had a heart attack. She was only 60 years old. It was very unexpected. We are struggling to continue on with the holidays but we know we have to for our children. I’ve been thinking about what we can do to keep moms memory alive and what can help us in the grieving process. thank you for the wonderful ideas. We will definitely incorporate a few of them into our family gathering this year for Christmas. God Bless!

    • Jackie  December 10, 2017 at 5:23 pm Reply

      I am sorry for your loss my mother passed away suddenly on March 26th she was 61. Christmas was her favorite holiday.

    • Robin Sherwood  December 20, 2017 at 5:18 pm Reply

      I am truly sorry for your loss. It is so very difficult going through the holidays. My mom just passed on November 27th, the Monday after Thanksgiving. She led a long life of 88 years, but the loss is still overwhelming. Smiling one minute and gone the next. Unexpected death is so very painful to endure. I have also lost 2 children, so grief is not new to me. Christmas is a happy/sad time. Keeping the memories alive is what I cherish. I love some of these ideas and have always lit a candle for my children, but I think this year I will be adding my mom’s favorite pie to my Christmas traditions. Please take care of yourself…sadness may persist but healing will happen, just let the tears flow and keep on with one foot in front of the other.

  55. Mary D  November 24, 2017 at 6:50 pm Reply

    My Mom died on 10/21/17, in large part due to amiodarone toxicity. This caused her to have pulmonary fibrosis and hyperthyroidism, among other things. I barely made it through yesterday; I have no idea how to push through Christmas this year. Thank you for the ideas.

  56. Mary D  November 24, 2017 at 6:50 pm Reply

    My Mom died on 10/21/17, in large part due to amiodarone toxicity. This caused her to have pulmonary fibrosis and hyperthyroidism, among other things. I barely made it through yesterday; I have no idea how to push through Christmas this year. Thank you for the ideas.

  57. KB  November 20, 2017 at 11:34 am Reply

    My stepson who lived with us just passed away on July 10, 2017. He was one of the Marines that lost his life in the plane crash in Mississippi this year. I made a candle holder using a tall glass candle jar, Modge Podge and a printed copy of his picture. It turned out very good and was easy to do. I plan to put a candle in it on all of the special occasions. This Christmas I will put it on top of a plate that I set at the holiday table in his honor.


  58. KB  November 20, 2017 at 11:34 am Reply

    My stepson who lived with us just passed away on July 10, 2017. He was one of the Marines that lost his life in the plane crash in Mississippi this year. I made a candle holder using a tall glass candle jar, Modge Podge and a printed copy of his picture. It turned out very good and was easy to do. I plan to put a candle in it on all of the special occasions. This Christmas I will put it on top of a plate that I set at the holiday table in his honor.


  59. Jenny  November 4, 2017 at 8:41 am Reply

    Thanks for good ideas… my 39 yr old daughter died 9 months ago from a sudden heart attack which was such a shock since she was a picture of health and had just returned from the gym!!!…..we are living a nightmare and trying to find a way to help her 2 boys 8 and 11 yrs get thru Christmas,,!! Your help is appreciated! ?

  60. Jenny  November 4, 2017 at 8:41 am Reply

    Thanks for good ideas… my 39 yr old daughter died 9 months ago from a sudden heart attack which was such a shock since she was a picture of health and had just returned from the gym!!!…..we are living a nightmare and trying to find a way to help her 2 boys 8 and 11 yrs get thru Christmas,,!! Your help is appreciated! ?

    • Katie Belanger  November 29, 2017 at 10:11 am Reply

      Hi Jenny, I just wanted to reach out to you because youre situation seems So similar to that of my Family’s. My Older Sister Kelly was about to turn 41 on March 12 of this year. However on Feb. 26th she passed away suddenly, from cardiac arrest brought on and complicated by pneumonia. She was a single mom with her two twin boys, who had just turned 7. And not-withstanding her not feeling well, she was also extremely healthy and worked-out often. She was a Zumba Queen. One thing I’ve learned this year, is that God sometimes allows what he hates, to accomplish that which he loves. One positive thing that has come from this, is that my mother has been Clean and Sober for over a year now (for the first time in her life), which has been amazing. Also, I feel that this event has led me to God and brought a personal relationship with Jesus that I never knew could be possible. Anyways, thanks for letting me share, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers throughout this Holiday season. All we can hope is that we will see their beautiful faces again one day. Merry Christmas and God bless!

  61. Lee-Ann Kelly  October 14, 2017 at 10:52 pm Reply

    I lost my brother unexpectedly this April 28 2017 It was a very traumatic time in my life. The police and coroner were involved. I was in so much pain and despair. I had to learn to live life without my brother especially due to the sudden loss. I was lost at how to do Christmas this year until I read your ideas. I have decided to have a small tree with pictures on it to honor my brother. Thank you so much for the wonderful idea.

  62. Lee-Ann Kelly  October 14, 2017 at 10:52 pm Reply

    I lost my brother unexpectedly this April 28 2017 It was a very traumatic time in my life. The police and coroner were involved. I was in so much pain and despair. I had to learn to live life without my brother especially due to the sudden loss. I was lost at how to do Christmas this year until I read your ideas. I have decided to have a small tree with pictures on it to honor my brother. Thank you so much for the wonderful idea.

  63. Mollie  July 30, 2017 at 3:48 am Reply

    My dad died on Chrisrmas morning 2016 . All i could think about is this is what Christmas will mean for me every year, the memories of his death, , its been a hard year but i do believe we will celebrate Christmas just like my dad would want us to considering this was his favorite holiday and he enjoyed watching the “Christmas Story” play over and over christmas eve and day. We will let it be dads christmas and i think the small christmas tree idea is an excellent way to really include the entire family. My dad was truly a special man who never met a stranger and I feel honored to honor a great man but a better father ! Love you Dad /Pop

  64. Sharon  December 23, 2016 at 7:13 pm Reply

    My dad passed away November 30th 2016. My sister found him that morning asleep on the stairs ..he didn’t make it to bed. He lived alone and died alone..We both feel guilt for not realising he was so ill and dying and we feel utter loss and devastation…nothing can ever be the same again. On Christmas day we will adopt a new tradition and still set his place at our table and light a candle for our special dad. Thanks to all for sharing these emotions and giving me the idea of how I can still have him with us.x

  65. Caitlin Carey-Nestle  December 17, 2016 at 7:24 pm Reply

    I have a large family, 10 aunts and uncles and 9 cousins just on my mom’s side and we all see each other on a regular basis, family dinner every Sunday kind of thing. My grandfather (mother’s father), who is more like my father than my grandfather, passed away early in September. At the calling hours one of my uncles bought all his siblings dog tags with my grandfather’s name, birth date, death date, and ‘my dad my hero’. So for Christmas I bought all of my cousin one that says ‘Grandpa can fix it’ and my aunt engraved his nicknames for us on the back of each of them. I figure even if they don’t want them right now it’s something they will appreciate later in life. The closer we get the harder it gets, but we are a very giving family and we love to give gifts to each other so that’s what we keep looking forward to is giving to each other. My grandmother is understandably still very upset by the whole situation but the more we talk about it the better she seems. I am afraid to bring up any ‘new traditions’ to her even though the things I’ve suggested so far have seemed to ease situations if only a bit (we added an extra setting to out thanksgiving table and while at first she wasn’t into the idea she said it did help even though there was an empty seat having the rest of the table filled with love was comforting).
    We have Christmas brunch, my grandfather liked it that way, everyone was gone by 3 and he could have his nap in peace. It’s very informal and I think I might bring up #13 as something to do before we open gifts.

  66. viv  October 2, 2016 at 9:42 pm Reply

    I have just lost my dad end of July and his birthday is coming up along with thanksgiving. I am not sure I can handle any celebration at this time.

    • Lois Reborne  October 3, 2016 at 9:28 am Reply

      Dear Viv, I am so sorry for your loss. There’s no rules for how you mourn. I found it useful at some point to set aside time every day to write down a story I wanted to remember about my loved one, to look at pictures or light a candle on the shelf where I had placed precious mementos. I also made sure I was only around people who would understand on those hard anniversaries – and the first year almost every day was hard. This is a great list of ideas to think about if you are up to it, but there are no rules. May you find comfort.

  67. Lois Reborne  December 23, 2015 at 11:44 pm Reply

    My wife died of ovarian cancer in November 1998. Our living room was still filled with flowers and plants from her memorial service as Christmas approached; I could not imagine a tree and decorating. A friend came to spend Christmas Eve with me though, and I had an idea. We went out and got a pine branch from the leavings at a Christmas tree lot. I wedged it in a coffee can and she put a strand of white lights on it. I sat down with some craft supplies and the big box of get well and sympathy cards, and made ornaments. Some I embellished; some were layered. I made some with pictures of her, with something she’d written collaged in. I wept over each one, and I hung them on the little tree. My friend held me, made hot cocoa with marshmallows more than once. We told lots of stories, and we were just quiet, remembering our beloved Joan.
    It was near dawn when I finally felt done.Deb tucked me in bed and sat with me until I went to sleep. I still have the ornaments, but have never again put up a tree. I have many years made a seasonal mobile, and I use some of them in it.
    Thank you for this great article. I am married (legally!) again now, and this wife too has cancer, now metastatic after 11 years of remission. I can hardly bear the thought of grieving again. Mostly I keep myself in the moment, treasuring every good day, every dear and ordinary moment.

  68. Brandi  December 20, 2015 at 1:19 pm Reply

    We lost my son Damon to suicide 16 days ago, the day after his 17th birthday. Needless to say, we are a mess. But holidays are so important for gathering family, I couldn’t just skip it. But how to deal with the things that made him part of the celebration? We will set a place at the table for him. This year, a friend with no where to go will join us also. I can’t not help a friend in sorrow. And since we each have “special” ornaments, and he is not here to hang them, we will take turns hanging them and sharing happy memories of him. And his stocking will still be filled each year. We will just fill it with charity items. This year it’s gifts for cats and dogs that are adopted from a local shelter. And I know that I may add more in the future but that is enough to get us through this year.

    • Eleanor  December 21, 2015 at 9:35 am Reply


      My heart goes out to you. It sounds like you’ve put some thought into how you will cope with the holidays and finds ways to honor Damon – which is the best anyone really can do. I hope being surrounded by other people who love your son is a comfort and I wish you the best throughout this week and beyond.


    • dawn moser  December 15, 2016 at 9:25 pm Reply

      i love the idea of charity stocking,my daughter 23 passed this august 2016,she loved helping an giving to other,this is a great idea for her siblings to participate in thank you brandi,sorry for your loss

  69. Victorianna  December 19, 2015 at 9:41 am Reply

    This will be my secnd holiday season without my husband who passed away in August 2014 after fighting cancer for 18 short months. Last year, our daughter’s idea of creating a new tradition was to have me to go away with her and her husband. I was in no condition to argue or refuse as I as in that numb state so I went. In her defense, she thought this would be a good thing. In reality, it was a disaster. It cost me a lot of money, driving hundreds of miles when we could have and should have taken a train was stressful, and everywhere I went I saw couples, couples, couples. In addition, our wedding annversary is 3 days after Christmas, and my daughter’s husband, saying he felt ill, made me drive all the way home while I cried my eyes out. ( daughter doesn’t drive). It was too soon after my husband passed away, a mere few months, and I had begged her to leave me be. This year, I truly want to be alone, but again she will not take “leave me be” for an answer. She has a baby now, and although I love him, knowing he doesn’t have a grandfather is painful, and on top of that, my daughter is pouring guilt on me about the baby’s first Christmas, etc. I am in no state, emotionally or mentally, to be a warm and fuzzy grandmother that she wants. When we’re together she tenses up when I even mention her father; her husband can be heartless and is annoyed that my husband ” ruined” their life together. (He was diagnosed 10 days after their wedding so theit marriage has been darkly colored by his illness and death and my sorrow.) At Thanksgiving I hen I started to say something at the table about being thankful for my husband I was cut off by him with the subject quickly changed. So, this year I am standing my ground in being alone even though she is stubbornly insisting she’s showing up. I have no intentions of decorating, buying and cooking food or ” celebrating” anything. I will walk n the beach, cuddle with my dg…his beloved dg.. See the new Star Wars mvie…he loved those.. and perhaps do a few of the activities suggested in this article. When I’m ready, maybe someday I’ll feel better, but for now I want to be alone with his spirit and memory, and maybe someday we will do some of these candle lghting and memory rituals together as well. The suggestions are beautiful. Thank you for them.

    • Mary  December 11, 2016 at 12:05 pm Reply

      You should never have to feel guilty above grieving. I’m so sorry you had to deal with such an unpleasant Christmas. Your grandson is young enough he won’t even remember. Sometimes you have to protect your own feelings when your grieving. Don’t let anybody put a timeframe on it, grief is the price we pay for loving deeply. We just lost my brother a month ago and many people like to tell you how fo grieve. I would never say something like it will all be okay, because in reality your grief will change but you will never get over it. I hope you’re able to find some peace this Christmas❤️

  70. Anonymous  December 18, 2015 at 1:44 pm Reply

    Nothing at all, so far. It’s not like we’re ever allowed to go calmly into that good night, or however the poem goes. Last year, 10 days before Christmas the stupid SENATE decided to publish their torture report about how the people who had evidence collected against them beFORE they were ever tortured ended up being rats in a government lab experiment even though they’d been arrested and brought into Guantanamo Bay before that ever happened based on real evidence gathered via their credit cards (which they used in their own name to fund the September 11 operation) and phone records, which they probably used their own names to talk to their goons-in-crime to plan the operation. But the news conveniently neglects to TELL people that and everybody sits around feeling sorry for the prisoners who were tortured for FURTHER information after they were brought into GITMO. It says in the 14th Amendment that they have a right to a fair trial even if it takes a while to happen. It didn’t say that would take forEVER.
    I’ve never agreed with torture but I’ve given up trying to sound like an understanding person about the issue. Two nights ago I finally saw that no matter how much I want to I have no ability to feel sorry for the people who killed him or HELPED do it (along with 1000’s of others, including a 2 y.o girl) – not even a small amount of patience on the issue exists within me. I thought I was a decent human being until someone in my family died by intentional violence. Now I just feel angry that everyone can find so much sad sympathy for people who would kill other people and then never feel any remorse for any part of it but the same people never even mention who these “people” had murdered as if it no longer even matters just because something ELSE stupid occurred no thanks to Dick Cheney (who had the gd nerve to say we should STILL be doing it when they asked for his response to the torture report.)
    Then this year, Donald Trump uses what happened to the people on September 11 to mount an idiot defense of “registering” Muslims as that faith so we’ll be able to pick them out and he does THAT a month before the holidays. Now everyone’s sitting around feeling sorry for all of them again and still no mention that people existed on September 11 that are still dead because of SOME of the people who really did believe themselves religious. Osama bin Laden said in one of those stupid tapes he used to send out every month that everything he does is because he’s “deeply religious.” Even if he wasn’t really that way to other people’s way of thinking, he was in his own thoughts. He’s the biggest legend in his own mind I’ve ever heard of besides Hitler.
    How are you supposed to get over all this stuff when all you ever do is get reminded almost every day and not just from the memories in your own mind but from people all over the country feeling terribly terribly sorry for the very ones who did it?
    I think torturing them was stupid but I also believe what they DID was wrong.

  71. Joanie Ruppel  December 17, 2015 at 7:17 pm Reply

    For years we only hung our kids stockings on the fireplace. One year, my daughters decided to get stockings for both me and my husband. Our names both started with the letter J so there was a green J stocking and a red J stocking on each end of the fireplace encompassing the kids’ stockings. That first time was the only time we had them up while he was still alive and I simply could not bear to NOT put his up the next year, so I did. We took a version of idea #15 and every year we write a little note to him and put it in his stocking. No one has ever read them and we just put the stocking away as such. It’s a very nice way to continue to have him “here” with us in a subtle kind of way. Without him, we could never have had all the stockings that hang in between us.

    • Eleanor  December 21, 2015 at 9:47 am Reply


      Yes! He is still a part of your family. I am so glad you continue to hang his stocking and continue to write him notes throughout the holiday season. Thank you for sharing.


    • Tara  August 10, 2017 at 1:55 am Reply

      I lost my husband and the father of our two children on the 21st of June 2017, 7 weeks today and it is so painful. Our 13 year old (youngest) said he was thinking ahead to Christmas and was feeling sad. I told him I understood and that I was feeling sad too. We said we should do something for daddy and I couldn’t think of anything special enough, but this is definitely special. Thank you for sharing

    • jess  December 13, 2017 at 1:24 pm Reply

      Thank you for sharing this idea! My husband passed away suddenly and unexpectedly this year, and while I may take this season off from stockings (our son is a toddler, so I don’t think he’ll miss them), this is an idea I’d like to remember.

      “Without him, we couldn’t have the stockings that hang between us.”

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