Archive for Reflection

The Longest Night: grief and the winter solstice

The winter solstice is upon us. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, it's the 24-hour period with the fewest hours of…
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The Burials Along Memory Lane

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard the Jason Isbell song Elephant. It was late at night.…
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Growing Through Grief

Today we're welcoming WYG mental health intern Patricia Cole with a guest article about her personal story of growth through…
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A Year of Grieving: Reflections on healing from a medical student, sister, and utterly lost griever

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  • Eleanor Haley
This is a guest-essay by Farah Abaza. We'd like to thank Farah for sharing her experiences with the What's Your…
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Grief Signs and the Frequency Illusion

  • General
  • Litsa
Over the last few years I’ve had several friends die, all completely unexpectedly. I’ve been thinking a lot about the…
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relationship with the dead

What I've Learned About Having a Relationship With the Dead

A large part of grief is learning to have a relationship with a person who has died. I have shared…
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grief never ends

Grief Never Ends, and That's Okay.

For a decade, I've been saying to any griever who would listen - "When someone you love dies, you grieve…
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grief of coming out grief joy FI

The Unexpected Grief of the LGBTQIA+ Coming Out Experience

We are so glad to welcome a guest author, grief counselor and former hospice chaplain, Rev. Anne-Marie Zanzal. At fifty…
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If She'll Always Be With Me, Why Don't I Feel Her?

If She'll Always Be With Me, Why Don't I Feel Her?

Written and shared with us by our grief-friend, Cara Jeanne. Sharing with all of you, because we have a feeling…
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