Archive for End of Life Wishes

ethical will blowing hearts

What is an Ethical Will?

The tradition of an ethical will, or a 'tzava’ot', comes from the Jewish faith. It is a document passed down…
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The Right to Make Choices: In Living and in Dying

The Right to Make Choices: In Living and in Dying

My little brother is leaving for South Sudan this afternoon. Those of you who pay attention to the news know…
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Making Decisions on a Loved One's Behalf

Making Decisions on a Loved One's Behalf

Today we are going to discuss the important task of making decisions on the behalf of a loved one, a position…
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The More You Know: Types of Organ and Tissue Donation

Of note, the information in the following article was accurate at the time of writing in 2013. Though we anticipate…
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end of life wishes and conversations

End of Life Wishes and Conversations

The other day my husband and I were in the car and Into the Mystic came on the radio.  Here's…
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