Archive for Thanksgiving

thanksgiving quotes after losing a loved one

Connecting to Gratitude with Quotes that Won't Grind Your Grieving Gears

  • General
  • Eleanor Haley
There are a lot of things that feel not quite right about celebrating Thanksgiving after a loss. For starters, you're grieving, and…
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8 Tips for Remaining Present at the Holidays

8 Tips for Remaining Present at the Holidays (While Grieving)

Ok, I'll confess: The reason why I'm writing about remaining present during the holiday season is personal. For the last…
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going easy on yourself during the holidays while grieving

7 Ways to Go Easy on Yourself While Grieving at the Holidays

1. Remember, the Holidays Don't Have to Be Perfect. Disavow yourself of the notion that perfection will protect you from…
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Grateful Remembrance Jar: A Quick and Easy Thanksgiving Activity

So you think you're ready for Thanksgiving. You've got your turkey. You've assigned side dishes to your most reliable family…
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Grief at Thanksgiving: Gratitude with a Grain of Salt

I'll go ahead and acknowledge the giant turkey in the room, Thanksgiving can be the pits for people who are…
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Surviving Thanksgiving: 6 tips for grievers

You hoped and prayed, you wished on a star, you stuck your head in the sand, you ignored your calendar,…
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Holiday Togetherness Game Plan: 11 Tips for Taking a Time Out

Holiday Togetherness Game Plan: 11 Tips for Taking a Time Out

Alright, let's have a quick pre-holiday huddle to discuss your game plan for tomorrow. Not where you're going to celebrate or…
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Grief and Food: 10 reasons why your Thanksgiving spread might make you cry

Grief doesn't always turn you into an unpredictable ball of emotion, but sometimes it does. Sometimes things like a song, a word,…
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Grief Activity - Memory Lantern

A Thanksgiving Grief Activity for Kids (and grown-ups)

We have tons of ideas for remembering deceased loved ones at the holidays. We have suggestions for creating a practical plan for…
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