Archive for Life After Loss

Winter of our Disconnection Podcast

Winter of Our Disconnection

Episode Transcript Welcome back to another episode of the What's Your Grief podcast. This is Eleanor and as always  I'm joined…
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Everybody's Grieving for the Weekend

Everybody's Grieving for the Weekend

Episode Transcript Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the What's Your Grief Community Podcast. My name is Eleanor and I'm joined…
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grief mindset belief

Grief, Money Beliefs, and Self-Care Splurges

We're working on a mini-series about grief and money. Money is sometimes a taboo topic, and people certainly don't love…
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Widow Life Questions: When Should I Stop Wearing My Wedding Ring?

The question of if and when to take off a wedding ring as a widow isn't straightforward. You probably know…
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integrate grief

What Does It Mean to Integrate Grief?

Not too terribly long ago I was working with a bereaved dad. I was the second grief therapist he'd seen;…
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Five Tips for Living With a Grief Monster

So, you've recently acquired a brand new grief monster. Not on purpose, of course. No one willingly invites a grief monster into…
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Let's Talk About Sex (and Grief) Part 1

Let's Talk About Sex (and Grief) - Part 1

Sex and grief, grief and sex. They aren’t really words we lump together often. And yet, we get questions about…
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Widow Dating Questions: Am I Ready To Date?

Over the years we have struggled to write about dating as a widow here at WYG, because there are sooo…
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Becoming a parent After the Death of a Parent

Becoming a Parent After the Death of a Parent

After someone you love dies, almost all “blessed events” thereafter become a mix of happy-type emotions and sad-type emotions.  In…
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