Archive for Coping with Grief Triggers

glimmers in grief

Finding Glimmers in Grief

  • General
  • Eleanor Haley
In grief we think a lot about triggers – those cues in the world around you that leave you doubled…
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Seeking Comfort During Grief: Too much, too little, just right

Comfort is one of my favorite words in the English language. Like many people, I crave comforting things. For example, comfortable shoes…
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grief reactions grief responses

Grief Reactions vs Grief Responses

Though these words are often used synonymously in everyday speech, in mental health there is an important distinction between reactions…
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stop avoiding grief person in mirror

Addressing Chronic Avoidance of Grief

Last week we wrote an article about avoidance behavior in grief. No surprise, more than a few people shared that…
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dialectical behavior therapy for grievers

Coping with Grief Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Over the years, we’ve talked a lot about the different therapeutic approaches commonly used to manage grief. Despite our love…
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Grief at Halloween: It's Spooky Scary

Grief at Halloween: It's Spooky Scary

I’m just going to say it: I don’t love Halloween. Please don’t be mad at me, and definitely please don't TP…
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You Remind Me: People who remind us of our loved ones

Last night I watched ABC's special "The Untold Story of 'The Sound of Music.'" I stopped on the special because I…
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grief triggers

Grief Triggers and Positive Memory: A Continuum

Central New York, where I grew up, overachieves when it comes to cold weather seasons. I won’t even get started…
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Crying In Public (aka Sometimes Socks are Sad)

Crying in public happens. For example, sometimes you are in a store, and the tears just start coming. A small…
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