What the Newly Bereaved Should Know

Understanding Grief / Understanding Grief : Eleanor Haley

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Hello to the newly bereaved. I'm sorry to meet you here in the place where loved ones leave you — a place where no one wants to be. 

If this is your first time here, you may find it darker, foggier, and more frightening than you expected. If you've been here before, you'll probably notice that things look different than you remember. That's the nature of this place. It's always changing, depending on who you're saying goodbye to.

You may feel incredibly alone right now, so the first thing I want you to know is that there are people who want to help you find your way out of this place. Most people can only join you for parts of your journey, and those who you do and do not see along the way will probably surprise you. But they are out there.

There may be times when you feel let down by your support system, but try and remember, they aren't trained for this. Most likely, your friends and family have the same good intentions, but varying levels of tact and execution. 

newly bereaved

Though providing honest feedback sometimes feels awkward, you'll get more of what you need if you can tell people what is and is not helpful. Also, try and lean on your loved one's strengths and forgive their weaknesses at least once. And when all else fails, look for the grief safe havens in your community - the counselors, support groups, and grief centers.

The next thing you should know is, there's no trail of bread crumbs to lead you back to your old life. After someone you love dies, life changes. Joan Didion put it well when she said, "Life changes fast. Life changes in the instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends."

That's not to say everything familiar is lost. Some things about your old life are already gone, and some will necessarily change, but some parts will stay the same - you don't need to know which is which right now. Uncertainty is scary, but it's normal for things to be hazy. There are a lot of things you can't know right now, but they will become more evident over time.  

Also, there's a lot that probably hasn't sunk in just yet. Many people say the days following their loved one's death were a blur. You won't always feel this way. Actually, for many of you, what you're experiencing is probably more akin to a temporary acute stress response than grief. 

It's okay to be in shock.

It's okay to feel numb.

It's okay to feel all the things you're feeling.

Grief is a lot of overwhelming things, but it isn't dangerous. Grief, in and of itself, won't harm you - though it does mean experiencing some pretty painful things. 

As you become more familiar with grief, throw away any preconceived notions about it following a set of stages. Or about grief having a timeline with a beginning, middle, and an end. It's so tempting to believe in something that makes grief seem manageable. But how could anything unique to you and your relationship with your loved one possibly be so uniform?

I'm sorry to say; grief can be unruly and unpredictable. Sometimes you hear the rumble of thunder before the grief storms hit, and sometimes they bubble up out of nowhere, but they do always subside. And it's through weathering these storms time and again that they incrementally become more bearable. Until eventually, you learn it's safe to go outside even though there's always the chance grief could cloud your day. 

Yes, "always". 

Your grief will forever be a part of you because your loved one is forever a part of you - and this is the last thing I want to tell you (for now). Your loved one is never really gone from this world. No, they aren't physically "here" to look at, talk to, or hold, and that hurts like hell. But in mind, heart, and spirit - as a part of the past, present, and future - they are here.

They are here as long as you remember them. Hold onto this truth and fight for it if you have to. It's the guiding light that will help you out of this place, and chances are it will be part of the foundation on which you build whatever comes next.

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for over a decade, we finally wrote a tangible,
real-life book!

After writing online articles for What’s Your Grief for over a decade, we finally wrote a tangible, real-life book!

What’s Your Grief? Lists to Help you Through Any Loss is for people experiencing any type of loss. This book discusses some of the most common grief experiences and breaks down psychological concepts to help you understand your thoughts and emotions. It also shares useful coping tools, and helps the reader reflect on their unique relationship with grief and loss.

You can find What’s Your Grief? Lists to Help you Through Any Loss wherever you buy books:

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103 Comments on "What the Newly Bereaved Should Know"

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  1. John F  August 5, 2022 at 2:00 am Reply

    My mum died two Sundays ago and I was with her which is some comfort to me. But I’m feeling so bad that in her last few days I let her down. She was temporarily in a nursing home which she hated and there were so many things I could have done to help her but I didn’t because I trusted that the nursing home was doing its job but now I’m not sure it was. Please forgive me mum. I’m sorry.

    • Litsa  August 8, 2022 at 4:53 am Reply

      John, please remember that your relationship with your mom was made of a million moments, not simply those at the end. It is easy, in retrospect, to go back and question our decisions. But quite often, based on what we knew at the time, we were doing the best we could with what we had. It is often knowing the outcome that we start to question things we couldn’t have known at the time. Though your mom may have been unhappy where she was, it sounds you were doing what you believed was best to get her the care you knew she needed.

  2. noa  June 14, 2022 at 9:09 pm Reply

    i’ve always had a tough relationship with my mother. She had her own problems and projected onto me and my older brother. My brother was the apple of her eye, all she could ever talk about and loved bragging about. We fought often. i felt unloved my whole life from her. i can’t remember hugs and kisses, comforting me when i was sad, alone, afraid. my accomplishments were overshadowed by negative remarks. And now she’s gone. No goodbye. No warning. No reason. Just gone. I can’t understand why it hurts so badly but it does. why couldn’t she try to love me and have a relationship with me. I tried, god knows i tried, and yet i feel like i didn’t try hard enough. there is no closure.

    • Litsa  June 15, 2022 at 11:36 am Reply

      I am so sorry for your mom’s death and the complex grief it brings! This article may be useful, as it is about grieving someone you didn’t like.

      • Win Haines  June 23, 2022 at 11:26 pm

        I am 2 1/2 months past the death of my husband of 38 years 7 months 2 weeks and 6 days.
        My world has been turned upside down!! He was 62 and we were both newly retired with the world as our oyster to explore! He was my rock!
        I don’t know how to move forward, or even if I want to move forward. We only had 100 days from his diagnosis until he died and the last 6 weeks he was semi delirious . I am waiting for the comfort of time!

  3. PATRICIA  May 22, 2022 at 10:31 am Reply

    I am crying as I write this, my husband of 50 yrs passed recently from cancer and I cannot stop crying. Everything reminds me of him, his truck, boat, woodshop even the house–what to do?? We had so many plans now that we were retired, with covid we put everything on hold. I kiss his picture morning, noon and night and tell him I love him. He was my rock and kept me grounded, WHAT do I do now??

  4. Brina Black  April 6, 2022 at 11:48 am Reply

    I’m 71 and I just lost my 41 year old son on March 26. I do have a daughter who is 36. I’m suffering and feel weak. I cannot get past the rage I feel for my ex husband actions and how it affected the family for over twenty years. It should have been him. He neglected my son for all those years and me too.

  5. Jo  January 18, 2022 at 1:24 am Reply

    Firstly I want to Thank each and every one of you for sharing your experiences. It helps!
    Secondly, much love and empathy to you all.
    I’m not even sure exactly where to start.
    In 2020/21 I lost 6 family members and a dear friend of over 20 years. (all non covid related.)
    My oldest Uncle, then my friend, my last remaining Uncle (Mum’s older Brother) who was like a Dad to me as Mum raised us on her own and he was always around to lend a hand with blokey stuff like fixing the car etc.
    A family member who was instrumental in helping me construct the Family Tree, then just before Christmas, my Mum, who had Cholangiocarcinoma. (Bile Duct cancer) I had been caring for her until her health got too severe for me to manage alone so she was in hospital awaiting placement in a nursing home. She died suddenly one night of a massive heart attack before I could get there in time to be with her when she passed which was and is so crushing I can’t even put into words. Especially as it was a repeat of several years ago when my Nanna died, at 16 I had been her carer along with my Aunts and Uncles but she ended up in a nursing home, dying there while my Mum and I were on the bus rushing to go to her. 🙁
    Early 2021 my Aunt, wife of Mum’s Brother who was like a Dad to me, passed away, then within a month, a cousin who I got along with really well and who had, himself, lost his wife to breast cancer, passed suddenly.
    As you can imagine, I can’t even begin to process all this loss, even now. I hope that at least by sharing it, it may help someone else going through the same thing. xx

  6. Teresa liner  January 16, 2022 at 1:47 pm Reply

    I just list my son he was 35 and his daughter lives with me . My life is so dark and yes no one understands. I love Jesus but he did not believe snd it’s tearing my soul out. Not knowing he is in heaven with no Moore pain . His death was a shock although he did have health issues . Brittle type 1 diabetes. I don’t think he felt loved and it hurts so bad . I hope this places helps me because I’m falling apart and I can’t I have a granddaughter to raise . ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻

    • Carla Gunderson  February 21, 2023 at 8:24 pm Reply

      Teresa, My heart hurts for you in your loss. I lost my husband last summer. I know that no two grief experiences are the same, but please know that God loves us all, whether or not we believe. If there is a Heaven, your son is there, along with my husband, regardless of his level of belief. God loves even the lost sheep, the wandering sheep. It’s in scripture, and is my belief. I pray that peace will descend and comfort you.

  7. Suzanne Gorman  January 13, 2022 at 4:19 pm Reply

    Thank you for this wonderful article. It captures the experience of grief so truthfully. In doing so you have provided reassurance and advice
    so gently, it is a comfort.

  8. Allen  January 12, 2022 at 5:18 pm Reply

    My only son evolved a year ago, far away in England. I hadn’t seen him in 18 months, he was due to come home in six months. I live a zombie life, still here only because I have a daughter and her son. I feel angry because I can’t join him, but I would never ever do that to my daughter and her boy. I am here between lives somehow, in a foggy space, one foot in this so called reality and the other is in a nightmare of sorrow. Nothing is real, but everything is too real. Each day I think yes! one day closer to death…

    • Litsa  January 23, 2022 at 10:44 pm Reply

      Allen, I am so sorry for your incredibly devastating loss. Have you considered speaking with a counselor or joining a group for bereaved parents?

  9. Paige  January 10, 2022 at 3:41 am Reply

    I lost my best friend/soul sister since we were 5yrs old suddenly at age 38 Dec 4th 2021. One day I was making plans with her, the next day she is gone. I’ve experienced loss before but this one is different, harder, unexplainable and lonely. One month out it feels harder and like everyone is expecting you to be over it and move on to new friends. I feel like I’m cheating on her in a way to even contemplate new friends. We both have young kids and we were both considered Aunties to each others. Now it feels like I’m losing everything with her loss bc no one is recognizing or acting like they knew how close we were. I was her family until her husband and kids but everyone who never gave her the love she deserved is swooping in and invalidating my grief. It makes me question my own mortality more than ever and reality of fragility of life. I’m seeing thru different goggles now but no one around me gets it the same. Plus raising 4 kids isn’t allowing space I need to grieve. My husband is trying but doesn’t know how to support me and honestly I don’t know what I need from moment to moment. I’m finding speaking my truth and holding boundaries is helping but this grief feels thick. No one should allow titles to dictate grieving rights. Best friends can and are often closer than family. Thank you for this site and what you are doing for all!

  10. Marie Hickey  December 30, 2021 at 7:10 pm Reply

    I feel so hurt I have always had a relationship with my father who died 3 weeks ago, his family did not know much about me when I was young as he met my mother in England, when I turned 12/13 he introduced me to some of his family but I never had a big connection with them. I am very close to my stepmum who constantly tells people who I am and did so all through the funeral proceedings as I did not know many of his friends, I would generally just stay in the house with them when visiting keeping myself to myself and they live in the countryside. At the service during eulogy my cousin who new about me and we had many conversations chose to speak about my dad’s life but never mentioned him having family to the point that my own adult children wanted to know what was going on my husband has since told me the his family were also questioning this, I feel so hurt and so embarrassed, I was made feel like I didn’t belong, I have just told her how she made me feel but initially I said nothing about it, why would she do this, we have never had any issue always getting on. I’m so hurt.

  11. Brian  November 11, 2021 at 10:14 pm Reply

    Thanks so much for your articles and website. I lost my wife to cancer 3 months ago after we were together for 12 years. She was only 39 and diagnosis to her death was only 12 days so came as an incredible shock to myself and our daughter. I have been struggling to process these past few months and family and friends have tried to be helpful but brought up the same old clichés and grief advice. I was lucky enough to find this site and realise that their advice is well meaning but perhaps not accurate or always helpful, and that’s fine as it’s not their fault. The site has really helped me to not feel so crazy with what I’m feeling and experiencing and I thank you for that.

  12. Judy  November 2, 2021 at 12:55 pm Reply

    I lost my husband 10 months we were married 60 yrs l am grieving terribly l miss him so much l am all alone except for my little dog Rosie She is the only reason l am still here l cry all day long He was such a good and gentle man He was my whole life l feel so numb

    • Rosie Barker  January 12, 2022 at 11:30 am Reply

      My niece is going through the end of her husband’s life as I type this. He is 39 years old and within a matter of 7 months despite all of the excessive chemotherapy he quickly went downhill. 39…..and they were just married in July. Due to coid the hospital won’t allow her in until 9 a.m. and she must leave by 5 p.m. imagine leaving your dying spouse and not being able to be with them. Just awful. They have kids at home … our family is distraught. Judy I am so sorry to hear about the losses in your life. Sorry for my ramblings but I guess I needed to vent.

    • Tracey  January 16, 2022 at 1:51 pm Reply

      I just want to say, I get you. I feel the pain you refer to. My husband died 4months ago. 39 years together. None of what I’ve said is by any means to take away from you. It’s to let you know, your grief touches and resonates. You are vulnerable and brave all at the same time. Take care of your heart. I don’t know you but I’m sending you a virtual hug.

  13. Olive  April 19, 2021 at 7:01 am Reply

    This is my first experience posting about my experience. My husband and I were soulmates who did everything together! He made me laugh every day. We rarely had an argument and anyone who every was in our presence could see just how in love we were (like newly-weds even after 14 years together. My dear, sweet husband and friend, who was 56, died this January. (prior to this, my mother died in July from pneumonia and my father-in-law died in October) Because of Covid, we were unable to attend either of those services. (we are American, but live in France for work).

    My husband fought a courageous three-year battle with cancer and I was his primary caretaker. He was already in stage four when they diagnosed him. Since that moment, we fought what he named “Project Victory” together. Always a positive man, even now! He and I went together for his chemo, his scans, his doctors appointments. I did his daily shots, prepped healthy meals, ran to the pharmacy for meds and tried to remain positive. If anyone were to beat cancer, surely it would be him. He gave his all to everything he did and we believed the Universe would find a way to turn this around. My husband worked every day, up til Christmas. (he loved what he did and his employees loved him; everyone he encountered loved and respected him). In November and December, he was having awful back pain that was making it difficult for him to sleep in the bed; many nights I found him on the couch, sitting up, awake. I felt helpless! He really felt unwell on New Year’s Eve, so we went to the ER. It was the holiday week-end, so that meant there weren’t a lot of Drs on the schedule. In my first meeting with a team, I was told he would have to wait until Monday to see a surgeon. I am not one for confrontation, but I stood up to this medical team and told them that was unacceptable. He needed care and he needed it immediately. I struck a chord with someone because shortly after midnight, a surgeon from another hospital arrived, he was admitted and had surgery to replace a stint. He received transfusions because he had lost a lot of blood. He was in the intensive care unit and things were very busy. When he came out of the anesthesia and had the breathing tube removed, he looked rather good, normal, though he didn’t want to eat much. We talked and laughed when he was awake. Fortunately, the hospital allowed me to stay with him; I was at his side every moment; I slept in a chair by his side every night, with my head on the mattress, holding his hand. I still don’t believe he died. Why did I not see it? I thought, like other hospital stays, that we would leave together and go home together. I never imagined that night I lay my head down that it would be the last night together. He had physical therapy, isn’t that an indication that there was improvement? I just don’t know how he “went down” so quickly once he left the ICU.

    It is very complicated dealing with the death of your spouse, but it is even more difficult in a foreign country, far away from your family and long-time friends. Thankfully, I have a small support network here, but it is not the same. For me, the early days/months were spent in online meetings in both countries about the estate; these were very long days of completing tons of paperwork in two languages. It will be 100 days since my husband’s death this week and the grief has gotten worse – the pain of his loss is unbearable. I talk to him and to his ashes, I ask him to guide me, to come home. I have no idea what I am doing! Where do I go? Where do I live – how do I live, without him?

    Thank you for listening,

    • Lin  July 20, 2021 at 3:20 am Reply

      My heart breaks when reading your story, Olive. It mustn’t be easy at all going through all that. I am truly wishing you and your husband’s happiness.. may he always live on in your heart and mind.
      I am going through the same pain as well, losing my dearest partner. I may not be having it as hard as you, as we had just been together for 5 years, but he was truly my soulmate. I didn’t even get to accompany him on his last days. :”(
      Wishing us all a peaceful mind.

    • Richard  August 9, 2021 at 12:47 pm Reply

      I was touched by the tragedy of your late husband’s departure because it so mirrored the passing of my beloved wife of 35 years, my Carolyn. She transitioned on May 27 of this 2021. It happened so fast. Her doctor did some follow up blood work in December (she had been an 11 year survivor of breast cancer) and set a review appointment on January 4. It was at that followup appointment that we were told she had contrcted liver cancer and had 6 months to live.
      We went thru chemo & radio active molecular injections which can prolong life for one to 2 years, but I kept believing that somehow she would get better. She cuddled up to me on March 16 and asked me to make love to her one last time as her failing condition accelerated. Even to the last day in hospice care where I stayed by her side I could not believe what was happening. It was like “this isn’t real— this is just a nightmare –I am going to wake up & everything will be okay.
      Now, 3 months later, it is not ok. 2 Celebrations of life, internment, friends & family & neighbors condolences & meals & sympathy cards, yet it still seems like a bad dream that flashes on & off & back on again. Distractions & activites & exercise merely cover up the pain that rips at your being. Up and down but always there—relentless, merciless, gut wrenching–tears, moans, shrieks of grief pour forth but there is nothing to assuage the pain, the loneliness, the loss of meaNing.

      • Olive  November 11, 2021 at 7:07 am

        Dear Richard,
        Thank you for your note. I am sorry for your grief. I hope that you are having fewer painful days. The grief, like the love of our spouses, will never end. It may become softer over time, more gentle and somedays will feel sharp. The absence manifests in your hear. A deep longing, accompanied by the deepest love.

        My husband loved to write and was really good at it. Today I found a story he wrote about our love and engagement. Tears streamed down my face as I read the pages. It is now 300+days without him. I miss him, I miss our love and friendship, finishing each others ideas, etc.

        Take care,

    • Jill  August 15, 2021 at 5:12 pm Reply

      I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved husband, soulmate. Although there are some details that are different, my story, our story was much the same as yours. We were together 37 years. We did everything together. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2007. It was an early stage 1A. He had a partial lung removal followed by radiation and for 12 years we thought he had beaten, we had beaten, thus dreaded disease. I too was with him at every appointment, every scan. In 2019, during one of many 3 month checkups his dr ordered an mri to get another view of nodules they were watching in his right lung. Usually we learned the results at his next scheduled appointment a few days later. When his Dr called that same afternoon I knew it could not be good. They had found a tumor wrapped around his spine, pinching the cord almost completely off. It had destroyed the T3 vertebrae in his upper back and within a few days he had a 9 hour surgery to replace the disintegration and safely pry what they could of the tumor away from the cord. From that point in he was on oxygen 24/7. Still he fought back, went thru rehab and worked out in their gym. The COPD in his lungs 🫁 did not ease, however, and in January of this year he had to be taken by squad to the hospital with an acute buildup of carbon dioxide in those lungs. He stayed 5 days. Due to Covid I was not allowed to be there. I had Always been with him. Not this time. He was released and put in a bipap machine/mask to use at night to prevent the CO2 from building up again. It was not successful and in March he went by squad, again, to the hospital. Fortunately I was allowed to stay with him then. After a 10 night stay to try to rid his lungs of this poisonous gas he was released on March 28th, our 36 year anniversary. Each time he came home a little frailer then the time before. He was tired. Still we fought this demon. Hospice became involved in April of this year, not because we had given up but because he was tired of his entire life being consumed by the next test, the next appointment, the next fear. They could provide his medical care at home. I too was his caregiver. A 24/7 assignment and draining although I will never regret a day. Between January and June his weight went from 190 to 135. The cancer, through that undetected tumor, had spread, unchecked into his bones. My husband, my best friend, my soulmate was slowly failing. He had a DNR/CC.
      But for him, through it all, I had to remain positive, had to be upbeat. On July 8th the power went out in our neighborhood. He was on an oxygen concentrator round the clock but with no electric I had to drag out the portable reserve tank. Because it was so difficult for him to breath he was not able to use the tank properly and was only able to get 2 liters of oxygen steadily. His concentrator was giving out 7. Without going into details the squad was called again and again he was taken to the hospital and subsequently admitted to again attempt to rid his body of CO2 which again had been building up. He was released on Saturday July 10th. I did not make him wear his bipap mask that night and he fell asleep on my shoulder. Sunday morning he was still sleeping but he had a raspiness to his breathing I had heard once before, days before my mom passed away. I called hospice who sent out a nurse and she confirmed my fears and suggested I call any family that would want to see him. She gave him 72 hours maximum. That was at 11am. At 1pm he slipped away, into the arms of God. I know a part of me died that day. We did everything together for 37 years, over half my life. It was not as if I had never experienced losing someone before. I lost my parents, I lost 3 20+ year friends within a 4 month span in 2018 including my BFF, all to cancer. I thought I knew grief but NOTHING prepared me for the pain of this loss. NOTHING. I picked up his ashes today. 37 years of love, laughter, struggle, commitment has been replaced by an ,albeit beautiful, wooden urn. How does life just go on?

  14. Dawn M Stangle  April 2, 2021 at 7:34 am Reply

    My husband of 2 1/2 years died the other day. He had a devastating cancer and died of a heart attack. I blame myself for not taking him to the ER sooner. I thought his chest/arm pain was from constipation and the strain of bowel movements. He was vomiting (chemo). I blame myself. And I was short with him in these last few weeks, as I was the sole caregiver and was overwhelmed. I was a poor wife. How can I go on.

    • Litsa  April 4, 2021 at 7:11 pm Reply

      Dawn, please remember that our relationships are built over millions of moments, not a small handful. Everyone has moments of being short with their partner, of arguments and fights. This does not make them a bad partner. This is being a person in a relationship. When their are these hard moments near the end, it is easy for them to get stuck in our minds. But your husband knew and loved you for the partner you were over all of the moments of your relationship, not just the few difficult moments. As for the guilt you are feeling, please know that guilt is such a normal part of grief. But it is important that you find ways to look at and examine your guilt. In many cases, we were doing the best we could with what we knew at the time. It is easy to look back and know how things turned out and think we should have known or it was obvious, but it wasn’t. You were acting in the way that seemed best in the moment to care for someone you loved. We also often assume had we behaved differently, the outcome would have been the outcome we wish for. In reality, there is no way to know. Even if you had taken him straight to the hospital, 9 out of 10 people who have a heart attack at home don’t survive. There is still a very good chance he would not have survived, though our brains’ tendency is to assume everything would have been okay. It is also important to show yourself the kindness and self-compassion you would show someone else. There may be things you need to forgive yourself for, and it might help to imagine what you might tell someone you love if they were in the same situation as you. It also might help to imagine what your loved one would tell you – though he is no longer here, you knew him best. I imagine you may be able to consider what he would say if you shared the feelings of pain and regret you are feeling. Please know, as hard as it is to imagine, that you will get through this – one day at a time (some days one moment at a time). It may be very helpful for you to talk to a grief counselor – this is a good listing to start with – https://complicatedgrief.columbia.edu/for-the-public/find-a-therapist/

    • Sam Hajder  November 11, 2021 at 6:49 am Reply

      Hello Dawn – I know many months have passed since your post, but I have recently lost my partner (Janine) of 7 years.

      We had been going through a bad patch for quite a while, but deep down, we loved each other and were always going to stay together.

      She was a hoarder and we were effectively living in my bedroom. It is my house, but I could not stop the build up of clutter.

      I made myself distant from her in recent months as I could not get her to clear her things and she would often be out for hours every day (she didn’t work) visiting charity / discount price shops and also helping others that would never offer their own assistance in return. I asked where she had been every day and never really got an answer.

      I just gave up on her and was just going through the motions.

      We still cuddled up together at night and held each other tight though.

      She recently passed away and they diagnosed covid pneumonitis at the hospital. However, I think she had pneumonia and may have later contracted covid.

      The point is, I feel like I failed her because I feel I should have sought help sooner.

      She said she felt ill and thought it was just flu. This went on for a few days and I was caring for her, getting fresh food, pills, etc, and helping her in the house.

      She didn’t want to go to hospital at all and didn’t want me to take her there.

      After a few days, it became clear it was more serious than flu and I had to call an ambulance.

      I was also ill myself and could barely get out of bed for 3 days. I later tested positive for covid.

      After arriving at the hospital, it wasn’t long before they had her on a ventilator and unfortunately she never recovered after being on it for just under 2 weeks.

      I was short with her at times when she was ill as I thought it couldn’t be anything serious and I guess I was blind to how ill she must have been feeling.

      Now she is gone, I just can’t cope. I hold myself totally responsible for not calling an ambulance sooner and recognising that her symptoms were more than flu.

      I’ll never get to see her again and I just can’t handle it. Just want to say sorry for everything and put things right, but it’s all gone……

    • Win Haines  June 23, 2022 at 11:12 pm Reply

      I am 2 1/2 months past the death of my husband of 38 years 7 months 2 weeks and 6 days.
      My world has been turned upside down!! He was 62 and we were both newly retired with the world as our oyster to explore! He was my rock!
      I don’t know how to move forward, or even if I want to move forward. I am waiting for the comfort of time!

  15. gemma  March 4, 2021 at 10:11 pm Reply

    hi there i am grieving at moment i had death after death of family members and friends is it normal to want to avoid people while are in mists of grieving i have accepted my friend has passed away but i just want my grief to go away so i can get on with my life but it is so painful i can’t seem to let go fact im grieving

  16. Heidi  October 29, 2020 at 12:39 pm Reply

    My 39 year old brother died very suddenly on September 13. I am 16 years older. We had a complicated relationship but always loved each other. I now have a hand in helping to raise his three teenaged children which is an awesome experience and would not have happened if he was still alive. I am sad and I miss him but I really haven’t cried. Maybe just been choked up a handful of times. BUT I am utterly exhausted. No matter how much sleep I get I am tired. I feel like I am sleeping harder than I have in years and I am over sleeping every morning. Is this grief ?
    Today at work something made me sad which rarely happens and I almost dissolved. I had to work hard not to fall apart. This has never happened to me at work in 56 years. Is this grief?
    Thank You So Much

    • IsabelleS  October 31, 2020 at 1:21 pm Reply

      Hi Heidi, I am so very sorry for the loss of your brother. I want you to know that what you’re experiencing is grief, and it’s so normal and okay. Be gentle with yourself as you go through this. With regards to the fatigue you are experiencing, you may want to check out this post: https://whatsyourgrief.com/physical-grief-symptoms/ I hope this blog as a whole is somewhat helpful to you as you navigate your loss. All the best to you.

  17. Brittany  September 28, 2020 at 11:04 pm Reply

    My husband died on Sept 9, 2020. He had copd from 20+ years in the army. The va cut his oxygen prescription and basically sent him home to die of pneumonia while blaming the dirt from ohio (which he hadn’t stepped foot on in decades). Now I’m a widow raising our daughter as a “single mom” a term I have come to hate. As far as I’m concerned, I died with him and the only being present is the “mom” part of me. I’m angry, obsessed with cleaning, and constantly crying (i hate that too). I just wish I could have said goodbye. Freak snow storm blew in just to kill him, I’m convinced. By the time I made it to the hospital it was too late. They had been doing cpr for 20 minutes. I made them do another 10. The articles on this site are one of my few life lines to keep my sanity, or what’s left of it. I never imagined being in this messed up world without him. Now it’s like a nightmare that never ends.

    • IsabelleS  September 29, 2020 at 11:18 am Reply

      Hi Brittany, I am so sorry for your loss and for this tremendous pain you are enduring. The feelings of anger and sadness you are experiencing are normal and completely understandable. I hope this blog and community brings you some sense of comfort and reminds you that you are not alone. If you feel like you need more support, you may want to seek out a therapist trained in grief, which you can find here: https://grief.com/grief-counselor-directory/. All the best to you.

    • Pamela  October 14, 2020 at 2:42 pm Reply

      Hi Brittany,

      I am so sorry for what you have experienced and are going through now. I just wanted to let you know that I have had some similar experiences. I wrote to this blog about a month ago about my husband, who died May 30, 2020. In the month since, I have had good support from friends and a therapist (Virtual counseling) and I am making progress. The grief is less, although I think it is still there is my continuing fatigue. I am now talking with my husband when something happens and I would have said something to him if he were here. He had a great sense of humor, and I don’t hear back, but it still helps to say these remarks to him.

    • cristy h. j.  November 20, 2020 at 12:17 am Reply

      I’m sorry for your loss Brittany. My Daddy died on 9/8/20 too, and he too, was a veteran. He fought a HARD, long 2-year leukemia battle, and fungal pneumonia and AML ultimately attacked what was left of my precious Daddy. He was 71, I am 41…we went through the leukemia death of his mother, and for him to already experience it from the child perspective, and now to watch his children go through it with him…it seems like just a creul reality. Providing home hospice complicated our already strained, emotionally taxed mother/daughter/daughter relationship and I am fearful this is more than we can endure. Regardless of whether it’s sudden or lingering, our pain is real, and it seems so unmanageable. Thank you for sharing your story. Sending strength, patience, grace, and many prayers your way.

    • Jane  December 29, 2020 at 7:13 pm Reply

      Dearest Brittany,
      Thank you for sharing. My Mom passed away almost 2 weeks ago. Sending hugs & prayers.

  18. Pamela Schulman  September 7, 2020 at 6:41 pm Reply

    My husband George died May 30, 2020. He was 76, I am 73. We had more than 30 years of marriage. I am mostly just very very tired. I sleep both night and day. Now down to sleeping half a day but it is difficult to do much in the other half of the day.

    I am so grateful to find this blog. Thank you for sharing your grief. It is very helpful to me. Have had a very busy and difficult life in some ways. I grateful for this time during the Covid enforced separation to have time for myself. I have time to rest and sleep and am learning not to judge myself for not getting rested yet.

    Being in this blog community helps me feel more of my grief, which is good for me.

    Thank you all.


  19. andrea  August 31, 2020 at 5:29 pm Reply

    My dad died at age 88, five weeks and one day ago. He was given six months or less to live exactly one month before he died of congestive heart failure. Intellectually, you know at the age that it is the natural order of things, but we were very close and this is a huge hole for me. Even though I am married to a supportive person who has now lost both of his parents, all I want to do is be alone. My mother and brother seem to me to be processing this quite differently and I don’t really feel that anyone understands. My work has been good to me and I’m back working. I also have gone out with my husband as much as is possible during this pandemic time…but I desperately miss being a kid, my life with my parents and even how things were just 10 years ago. Five years ago, my parents split up, the sold the house I grew up in and my best friend from childhood died. It’s as if my entire childhood died that year. Now this. I know people have it worse but this piece really sums it up- life is not the same and I do not really look forward to the future. My dad would be sad to know that I feel this way but I just do. He was someone I could talk to about just about anything and not feel judged. That isn’t replaceable.

  20. December  August 28, 2020 at 7:01 pm Reply

    Chris died very suddenly on August 5th, 2020. He was only 51 years old. We had a long distance relationship but we were together for over 9 years. My days feel empty now and I regret every minute of the last 6 months that I wasn’t on the phone with him or messaging him. I always thought we would have more time….what I wouldn’t give for more time.

  21. gloria  August 9, 2020 at 9:40 pm Reply

    My mom died of lung cancer 26 July 2020 at age 62. She was diagnosed one month and one day before her death. There were options and treatments available and she declined all. I can’t tell my anger at her for this apart from the grief of losing her.

    It feels like losing my mind.

  22. Liz  August 3, 2020 at 3:20 am Reply

    Gordon died just over 4 weeks ago – And I’ve realised that everyting I am doing, talking to friends, having a coffee, going on my laptop, doing the washing – EVERYTHING is just to fill in time until he comes home. As if he is away with a friend and will come home. But he won’t and I’m finding that harder to bear every time I realise it.
    It feels like my heart will break and I cry and cry and cry.

    • carol  August 8, 2020 at 2:11 pm Reply

      I lost my beloved husband Bob 4 weeks ago with Lung Cancer. It was really sudden he was only diagnosed 6 weeks before he died. The last week of his life was spent in hospital and I was not able to visit due to Covid. We had made arrangements for him to come home however I received a call that We were to come into hospital they had made the necessary securities for our visit. I was with him at the end however he was oblivious of us being there. We had been married for 53 years he was my soulmate and I miss him so much. My family have been very supportive but I still feel so lonely.I can’t stop cryiing. My heart is broken and i don’t know if I will ever feel better. We did everything together we were hardly ever apart.

    • david  August 18, 2020 at 9:28 pm Reply

      recognise this so well.

    • Susan  October 14, 2020 at 3:05 am Reply

      Liz my husband passed away on August 4th and I too feel like I am just awaiting his return, the finality of his death is to painful to think about, I talk to him, tell him what I am doing and I find that helps.
      I too have cried and cried but now 10 weeks on my tears are becoming less, I try to visualise him telling me to be strong and carry on, anything we do that helps to cope with the pain can only be good.

  23. Amanda Williams  July 29, 2020 at 9:15 pm Reply

    I lost my brother and I am devastated. I feel like apart of me is gone also. I am lost, confused and mad. I lost my best friend and am heart broken. As werid as it sounds sometimes I don’t know how I feel. He passed in feb just did his ashes recently.

    I am taking time off now as at the time only took two weeks off. His death was a complete shock.

    • Litsa  July 29, 2020 at 9:24 pm Reply

      I am so sorry to hear about your brother’s death. I’m glad you’ve made the decision to take time off. Please know that there is no one way to feel – there is no right way to feel. Grief is a complicated mess of feelings that can change from day to day (from minute to minute even!). We have a post on the death of a sibling that may be a small help –

  24. Jason Astell  June 22, 2020 at 12:45 pm Reply

    Hi. I lost my wife on 28 May 2020 she was aged only 53 and I’m 49. Last year the GP diagnosed her with going through the menapause. Start of this lockdown she had abdomen pain so took time off work. She contacted doctor’s who prescribed pain killers and antibiotics. Within a couple of days she had a reaction that affected her breathing. 34 breaths a minute. Over the following 4-5 weeks she was in constant contact with GP. They sent her for ultrasound which identifed her with a polyp and fibroid in her womb. They also asked her to have a blood test which they delayed as she had a cough. I got her covid tested which was negative. They still refused. Eventually they did a blood test. They also examined her and gave her thrush treatmentThey called within a few hours to say she is showing high infection levels so need to go to a & e. Within 4 hours she was on a ward. We were expecting her to have an hysterectomy. I was not allowed to see her for 7 days. The following day they told her she had womb cancer. So we talked and was ready to make changes at home. Week later hospital calls saying she had funny turn but all is ok. 2 hours later they call me in urgently. I get there and find out she hemeraged over night and lost lots of blood. They then tell us she got hours left.
    I’m shocked beyond words.
    I miss my girl so much. Would have been married 23 years this year.

    • Jane taylor  July 23, 2020 at 4:20 pm Reply

      Mu husband of 28 year passed away may 30 2020. It’s like my life has ended. I try to keep going but feel totally lost. I feel so alone even with family nearby . I pray things get better. I hope you are doing better.

  25. Jason Astell  June 22, 2020 at 12:45 pm Reply

    Hi. I lost my wife on 28 May 2020 she was aged only 53 and I’m 49. Last year the GP diagnosed her with going through the menapause. Start of this lockdown she had abdomen pain so took time off work. She contacted doctor’s who prescribed pain killers and antibiotics. Within a couple of days she had a reaction that affected her breathing. 34 breaths a minute. Over the following 4-5 weeks she was in constant contact with GP. They sent her for ultrasound which identifed her with a polyp and fibroid in her womb. They also asked her to have a blood test which they delayed as she had a cough. I got her covid tested which was negative. They still refused. Eventually they did a blood test. They also examined her and gave her thrush treatmentThey called within a few hours to say she is showing high infection levels so need to go to a & e. Within 4 hours she was on a ward. We were expecting her to have an hysterectomy. I was not allowed to see her for 7 days. The following day they told her she had womb cancer. So we talked and was ready to make changes at home. Week later hospital calls saying she had funny turn but all is ok. 2 hours later they call me in urgently. I get there and find out she hemeraged over night and lost lots of blood. They then tell us she got hours left.
    I’m shocked beyond words.
    I miss my girl so much. Would have been married 23 years this year.

  26. Evelyn Hertzog  June 1, 2020 at 10:53 am Reply

    I lost my husband of 17 years on May 21st, 2020 to a very short fight with cancer. He was diagnosed with esophageal cancer at the end of January, suffered a major heart attack in February, underwent a short series of radiation therapy in March which led to internal bleeding and many blood transfusions in early April. He just seemed to give up after that episode and nothing I could do seemed to pick up his spirits. His wishes of passing at home with me by his side were honoured. I am now feeling lonely, angry, hurt and, of course sad. Thank you for this article. It has helped me a lot.

  27. Evelyn Hertzog  June 1, 2020 at 10:53 am Reply

    I lost my husband of 17 years on May 21st, 2020 to a very short fight with cancer. He was diagnosed with esophageal cancer at the end of January, suffered a major heart attack in February, underwent a short series of radiation therapy in March which led to internal bleeding and many blood transfusions in early April. He just seemed to give up after that episode and nothing I could do seemed to pick up his spirits. His wishes of passing at home with me by his side were honoured. I am now feeling lonely, angry, hurt and, of course sad. Thank you for this article. It has helped me a lot.

    • Lorr  October 9, 2021 at 10:08 am Reply

      Within 18 months, I have lost my Mom, 8 months later I lost my husband of 43 years, and 7 (2021) months ago I lost my 35 year old daughter. I also lost a son in 2004. I know grief all too well, and it never gets easier, and I know it never will. My family has been decimated, and everyday I cry, I am so alone in this world. I’m angry because I’ve been left behind.

  28. Jon  May 26, 2020 at 8:57 am Reply

    Thanks for this post. I lost my mum a couple of weeks back. I read a few posts on this site about dealing with grief. Even though I knew it was terminal, when it really happens, the realisation hits you hard. But I guess I’m slowly coping with it. Though i don’t know what will happen in the coming days.
    One thing I am finding tough to accept is how things are normal for my friends and everyone is active on social media or group chats. I know everyone has a different life but I expected close friends to be a bit sensitive. Maybe I’m just wrong and that’s how life is.

    • Anonymous  July 19, 2020 at 2:36 pm Reply

      I understand when you say how can everyone else’s life be normal. I think that all the time. How is it that everyone else can carry on. My mum passed away 2months ago. I’m trying to cope but some days are better then others but it because I don’t have a choice.

    • Ethel  July 22, 2020 at 3:57 am Reply

      I thought exactly the same. It took years for me to come to accept that others’ lives go back to normal and mine never will (I lost my dad in September 2016). People laughing, posting “normal” stuff on social media, mundane things that didn’t have the enormity of my loss just did my head in. You’re definitely not alone here.

  29. Jon  May 26, 2020 at 8:57 am Reply

    Thanks for this post. I lost my mum a couple of weeks back. I read a few posts on this site about dealing with grief. Even though I knew it was terminal, when it really happens, the realisation hits you hard. But I guess I’m slowly coping with it. Though i don’t know what will happen in the coming days.
    One thing I am finding tough to accept is how things are normal for my friends and everyone is active on social media or group chats. I know everyone has a different life but I expected close friends to be a bit sensitive. Maybe I’m just wrong and that’s how life is.

  30. Sam Rickwood  May 23, 2020 at 4:04 am Reply

    It’s lovely to read these posts. I lost my Mum just over a week ago, 14th May and it was sudden. I don’t even know what I’m thinking or feeling, I am with my Dad caring for him as he is unwell. I feel I am grieving both my Mum in her passing, but also for my Dad who has suspected Dementia. The worst thing is he had a brain scan the day before Mum died and we get that results in 6 weeks. I don’t know how I’m going to cope if the diagnosis is confirmed. I didn’t get to see Mum on Mother’s Day because of the virus and they wouldn’t let us see Mum in the chapel of rest.

    I have been dealing with my grief (or not) by caring and cleaning for my Dad. The place was a mess and I am starting to see how unwell he is and requires a lot of care. I am filled with so my guilt that I didn’t do more. I can’t sleep or concentrate and can’t even think about going back to work.

    It’s nice to read these posts to feel less alone and know that others are suffering too. My condolences to everyone who has lost someone…

  31. David  May 14, 2020 at 2:22 am Reply

    My Auntie passed two weeks ago. 97 years old and I never said goodbye. I wrote letters to her for two years, but stopped during lockdown because “I wasn’t really doing anything to tell her about.”. Why, why, why didn’t I write to tell her how much I loved her and admired her. The whole family is coping so well, and I’m bringing everyone down, especially my poor wife whose birthday is this week. Here’s your gift, a husband having an identity crisis. Feel like I’ve ruined my life with this selfishness.

  32. David  May 14, 2020 at 2:22 am Reply

    My Auntie passed two weeks ago. 97 years old and I never said goodbye. I wrote letters to her for two years, but stopped during lockdown because “I wasn’t really doing anything to tell her about.”. Why, why, why didn’t I write to tell her how much I loved her and admired her. The whole family is coping so well, and I’m bringing everyone down, especially my poor wife whose birthday is this week. Here’s your gift, a husband having an identity crisis. Feel like I’ve ruined my life with this selfishness.

    • anonymous  May 15, 2020 at 10:21 am Reply

      Dear David,
      Please try to be kind to yourself.
      You’ve done nothing wrong.
      Just do your best now, from moment to moment, going forward.

      And know that, although we’ve not met, you are in my heart with great compassion and love.
      And love never dies, David.
      Please try to remember that.

  33. Lou Jackson  May 10, 2020 at 7:23 pm Reply

    I lost my father to Covid too. At 27 years old, none of my friends have lost a parent yet, and to them, lockdown and working from home is simply a pain in the arse. Really they are lucky that their biggest concern right now is being stuck at home.

    My real problem is this: nothing my boyfriend does is good enough. I’m so irritable, I keep fault finding. I’m annoyed that he seems happy, or annoyed that the effort he made wasn’t quite right. I love him dearly, but this grief thing has put me in a place where I’m pushing away the person I love the most. I miss my dad so much, and I’m scared of losing my boyfriend because of how I’m behaving, but I can’t stop. Please help.

    • Julie Browne  May 10, 2020 at 9:51 pm Reply


      Thank you for telling your story and reaching out. There are no perfect answers to your questions. What you are aware of is really astute and important. Have you told him these things?

      If you can help him give you a cushion to hit against, not literally but metaphorically, then he might have a better way to help you. Can you think of some kind of “trigger message” – a code language – that he or you can use when you are acting in a way you might regret later? It might work as a kind of easy communication stop sign, so that you can catch your breath and rethink before things go south any further.

      It’s also important to have enough time to yourself. No one can grieve for us, and being okay being alone without anything on the agenda so that our mind and body can journey with the grief is important. Keep a notebook at hand and make a running list of all the other things you lost, as a result of losing your dad. It just helps to clarify what it is that hurts so much, and it will be a lot.

  34. Lou Jackson  May 10, 2020 at 7:23 pm Reply

    I lost my father to Covid too. At 27 years old, none of my friends have lost a parent yet, and to them, lockdown and working from home is simply a pain in the arse. Really they are lucky that their biggest concern right now is being stuck at home.

    My real problem is this: nothing my boyfriend does is good enough. I’m so irritable, I keep fault finding. I’m annoyed that he seems happy, or annoyed that the effort he made wasn’t quite right. I love him dearly, but this grief thing has put me in a place where I’m pushing away the person I love the most. I miss my dad so much, and I’m scared of losing my boyfriend because of how I’m behaving, but I can’t stop. Please help.

    • Julie Browne  May 10, 2020 at 9:51 pm Reply


      Thank you for telling your story and reaching out. There are no perfect answers to your questions. What you are aware of is really astute and important. Have you told him these things?

      If you can help him give you a cushion to hit against, not literally but metaphorically, then he might have a better way to help you. Can you think of some kind of “trigger message” – a code language – that he or you can use when you are acting in a way you might regret later? It might work as a kind of easy communication stop sign, so that you can catch your breath and rethink before things go south any further.

      It’s also important to have enough time to yourself. No one can grieve for us, and being okay being alone without anything on the agenda so that our mind and body can journey with the grief is important. Keep a notebook at hand and make a running list of all the other things you lost, as a result of losing your dad. It just helps to clarify what it is that hurts so much, and it will be a lot.

    • Kaitlin Hunsbro  May 14, 2020 at 4:57 pm Reply

      I think you and I are in a very similar position! I am also 27 and just lost my Dad to COVID-19. I agree, none of my peers understand just how immensely difficult it is to grieve the loss of your parent during a pandemic. I often find myself being upset when my friends complain about working from home….honestly, as someone going through grief I would love to be able to work from home instead of going into work and having to focus on my job!

      Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to talk, I’m on Facebook

  35. Alexandra  April 27, 2020 at 3:34 pm Reply

    Thank you so much for this. This is exactly what I needed today. I lost my beloved father (74) to COVID 4 weeks ago, and then my beloved Grandmother (95) just 2 weeks after that, from natural causes. The day I had feared all my life finally arrived: the loss of my father. We were very close and he was a wonderful man and father – but I spent far too many years in my earlier years (I’m 34) being angry at him for neglecting his health, or fighting over politics and religion. Things that simply no longer matter. (Although I do feel this Country betrayed my father, a proud American, for not taking the Virus seriously sooner, which could have possibly saved his life. He contracted it at church, the only place he left the house to go every week. Had the Country taken this more seriously, the churches might have been shuttered sooner – and he would have been home, which is exactly where he should have been. Those are all the many other complex layer to this process – as is not being able to be with my family, or being able to perform the traditions of a wake and burial, due to the pandemic) The grief i’m experiencing is not at all what I expected. I expected to be inconsolable, unable to get out of bed, not eating, or sleeping. The reality is, I am getting out of bed every day, I am working remotely, and I am trying to good wife to my husband and doing my equal share of cooking, housework, and the very few errands we are allowed to run. I eat because I have to have energy. I sleep because I have always turned to sleep during previous bouts of depression to help cope. These are the only things that have kept me going: I need to keep going, I just must keep going, and I am too overwhelmed by my grief to sit at home all day, and try to process what has just happened. I fear if I do, I will slip into a black hole that I will be unable to pull myself out of. My father always admired my work ethic, my tenacity, and thought I was very “determined”. I am DETERMINED to get through this somehow. I really don’t know how. There is no path, there is no certainty to our future. My heart is absolutely shattered into a million pieces, but is also simultaneously breaking for anyone who is losing someone during this time, or has lost someone ever, period. All I can say to each and every one of you: we are strong as humans. We are resilient. We are tough. We will find a way forward. Love to all of you.

    • Alexandra Neal  May 3, 2020 at 8:19 pm Reply

      Hi Alexandra, I am Alexandra too. I lost my dad (62) to COVID-19 on April 4, 2020. The only way someone can relate to that is if it has happened to them. I was also close with my dad. He was my biggest cheerleader, teacher, therapist, and friend. I agree with you. I too feel like this country failed my dad. I am angry. I don’t have much to say except your post helped me find comfort. I haven’t spoke with a lot of people whose dad died from COVID and everyone who messages me on social media says the dumbest stuff. It will be at least a year until I am able to have a service for my dad, where I live. I am so sorry about your dad and your grandma and I hope one day we can find peace.. right now it feels impossible.

      • Alexandra  June 8, 2020 at 4:04 pm

        Hi Alexandra, I am so sorry to hear you also lost your dad. What’s strange is that we posted in April, which now seems like years ago. But at the same time, also feels like yesterday. I hope you are staying strong in your journey, and please know I am thinking of you, and anyone else who lost a loved one to COVID.

    • Julie Browne  May 10, 2020 at 10:32 pm Reply


      Thank you for telling your story. I am so sorry for your losses. It’s particularly hard when some of this, to some degree, was preventable, and that this is an unexpected loss.

      What struck out to me in your post was this:

      “The grief I’m experiencing is not at all what I expected. I expected to be inconsolable, unable to get out of bed, not eating, or sleeping. The reality is, I am getting out of bed every day, I am working …”

      It may be that you are in a state of shock, and therefore still able to function quite normally.

      The part of your story that I wonder about is the vision of you, as it were, powering through this, as a coping mechanism to avoid depression. Avoiding depression is very important since, as you put it, it’s a black hole. At the same time, grief is there for a reason. Please keep searching and allowing for ways to grieve this tremendous loss. For if we don’t, depression might well catch up with us.

      My hope is that you will give into grief as much as you can, which I’m sure you’re doing. One way to help with acknowledging our loss is to make a list of all the secondary losses it created, as a result. When we have, in black and white, the enormity of the loss, then we’re better able to allow our grief. It’s a little easier to handle, because it makes more sense. And at the same time, it allows us to honor all of that which we value in what we lost. When we do this, then we can find ways to carry some of that forward with us, in different forms. This helps diminish pain, and may make it worth it to feel the immensity of our pain.

      • Alexandra  June 8, 2020 at 4:01 pm

        Hi Julie, Thanks so much for your kind words. I apologize that I only read them only recently, but I did so right when I needed them the most – when I had a realization I was powering through life in order to purposely ignore what I had just been through. What really sat with me was that no, I was not taking the time to properly grieve, and yes, I was most definitely in shock. I have been talking about this openly with my therapist, which has been immensely helpful, but I wanted to thank you for pointing this out to me. While I knew this deep inside, I hadn’t acknowledged or accepted it, and, only after doing so, have been able to properly begin to grieve the enormous loss(es) I experienced in a very short time.

  36. Richard M.  April 25, 2020 at 1:02 am Reply

    This article really out to be titled, “What every bereaved person ought to know” with updates and bullet points from those who left comments. Jon Blak’s comments especially resonated with me, because although I’m still pretty young (in my 30s), I too fear the diminishing memories of loved ones lost. In fact, I lost my aunt (more like a surrogate mom) when I was 20. As memories fade – I can’t even remember the sound of her voice anymore – and time marches closer to 20 years since she died, I am fearful. Unsure what to expect. I know I will never forget her, but what does it feel like when you knew somebody for 20 years and suddenly they’ve missed 20 years of your own fleeting existence. If I could offer any advice at all, it would be this: 1) Grief comes in waves. At first, they will feel like tsunamis. You’ll learn to swim and keep your head above water. But don’t for a minute think that the waves are over. Sure, they’ll get fewer and further in between, and you meet even be able to feel one coming. But, you could be walking through the mall one day and see somebody who looks like the aged version of your loved one or hear a song on the radio that you wish you could share with your loved one and those times add the hardest, because out of the blue, a tsunami will strike. Grab onto something and hunker down, it will pass, but it will hurt like hell. 2) Every loss is different. You can make your peace with losing somebody before they go and inevitably you will realize one day that the day you are living is the longest amount of time you have gone in your whole life without seeing your loved one. 3) Let your tears fall. Men and women! There is no shame to be had over mourning the loss of somebody or something (pets) that filled your life with love and purpose. 4) Remember, what you resist, persists. If you try to force yourself to “get over it” or “move on” you are just prolonging the sadness. Embrace it. Lean into it. Think of it as honoring the one you lost, because it truly is. Of course, seek out professional help if you need it. There’s no shame in that either. As much as we would all love a guidebook for grief, it’s just not possible. I hope that helps even one of you. Sending love and light.

  37. Sandra Garner  April 24, 2020 at 1:24 pm Reply

    So very true. I lost my parents in 1991 within 2 weeks of each other to cancer. I was single and thought my world had ended. The first year following was terrible and I cried and felt low quite a lot but I knew my parents were soulmates and wanted to be together. Then in 1993 I met my beloved husband – and my life began again.

    We married in August 1994 and had 2 daughters. We just went so well together and over the years our love grew stronger. He was my best friend, husband, lover and soulmate. He was 10 years older than me but that didn’t matter he was young for his age and always made me laugh until 27th March, 2020 when he sadly passed away after a short illness to pancreatic cancer.

    My world seemed to end that day even though I have my daughters. He was and still is my life. It is a month since he passed and I am heartbroken, miss him terrible and his presence and wit. Part of my died with him that day. I just wish we had had longer together and keep asking God Why and why we could not have longer together. We had a strong and happy marriage and some wonderful holidays and memories which I will treasure. I just hope one day like I told him I hope he comes to take me over when it is my time to leave this world and that we will be together forever. I truly hope so.

  38. Susan  April 22, 2020 at 8:15 pm Reply

    On May 3rd it will be two years since my dear husband of 36 years died. That first year the broken thoughts and dense, gray feeling in my chest slowed me way down. I felt like I was standing on the outside of life looking in. People wanted to help but I had no idea what I needed, except to have my husband with me and our life as it used to be. One thing I’m very grateful for is the time I told my grief counselor that I was writing to my husband every day. She said, “Does he write back?” Since then, I write a page, and the next page is all his, though I hold the pen. It’s a comfort to hear his wisdom and encouragement and warmth. Things are hard now with isolation, but not as hard as in that early grief. I don’t know how, but it does get better. One day you will smile and even laugh again. The timing is your own. I send my love.

  39. Laura Elkinton  April 19, 2020 at 9:27 pm Reply

    Just what I needed to read today. I lost my husband on January 7, 2020. He is my best friend the person I started every day with and ended every day with. And he was everything in between. He would be the one to tell me how to get through all of this. He would have had the words when my aunt died in February 2020 and when my brother died on March 29, 2020. So much grief it takes everything to just get out of bed in the morning.

    • Tricia Mandala  May 17, 2020 at 3:17 pm Reply

      I am so sorry….. I lost my husband February 3rd to lung cancer. He was 60 years old. I am 51, we have young children and I can barely get by… I hope your days get easier

  40. Evelyn Vanderaa  April 18, 2020 at 12:40 am Reply

    So reassuring reading all these comments as we all grief in differing ways and it is ok. I am currently going through another wave of grief so intense as it is nearly 2 years since my eldest daughter took her life. She never got over her older brother’s death when she was only 8yrs old. I also have a son who is struggling with addiction/mental health issues for the past 20 years in and out of rehabs. But I am so grateful I had the privilege of sharing my life with both my eldest son and eldest daughter. I will continue to appreciate both my son and youngest daughter with 3 beautiful children and so am making the most of my life while I am alive……so very precious. Sending much condolences to all who have lost a part of themselves. I can totally relate.

  41. Bernadette Gomez - mother of Forrest Gomez  April 17, 2020 at 6:34 pm Reply

    My son died only 4 months ago in a very isolated lonely such sad way. I am full of regret, intense pain, and sorrow. He was my only child, my only family, my only person.

    I am crushed by pain daily, and can hardly function.

    I’m counting COVID a blessing because it is the gift of time and space to grieve and not have to rush out to meet expectations.

    The PAIN is physical and heavy on my chest, my heart, my lungs. I pray sometimes to go too, and it occurs to me – how can I.
    But of course I’d never – but here I am asking him and God – why? Why? why?
    Wonder what is left but to exist only to pay bills. Are we slaves of either Satan or God made from clay to return to the Earth?
    If we live again – where IS HE??? WHERE IS HE?? Is he okay? If Jesus meets each soul – then where does he go?
    If he died sinning – can you accept Christ the moment your soul gets to the other side?
    Is his intention to kill himself and die of an overdose, (intentionally since he was already in the death throws and wanted to end it), that and lack of baptism damn him to hell? Or does Jesus meet him, he accepts Christ and is living with Jesus, (or some realm of non-suffering) for forever? Who goes to hell?
    so many stories, and explanations from different beliefs.
    All I can feel is the pain and think my whole life – is 8 feet under.

    I pray and pray and pray for relief, talk to him constantly and try to believe. I want to die too!
    Please will you consider a prayer for him and I?
    Thank you – and God bless.

    • Deborah Bezuidenhout  April 23, 2020 at 2:35 am Reply

      Dear Mama Bernadette,
      I know you pain and if I could I would just like to hug you.
      My only child and son Timothy was ‘promoted to glory ‘ very early at the tender age of 22yrs.
      It will be 7 years in August since his death. I know your lonely and grief must be exhausting and be extremely challenging during this lock down time. Read , listen and look at your surrounding inside and outside with God’s word as your lense. I am praying for you . Fondest ,most caring love be felt for you .

  42. Lanie  April 17, 2020 at 3:14 pm Reply

    Thank you for this article. I lost my Mom on 29 March 2020. I’m so exhausted and confused and heartbroken but this is the first thing Ive read that made sense.

  43. Lyne  April 16, 2020 at 1:39 pm Reply

    My 22 year old son committed suicide by strangulation on March 13, 2020 . The paramedics worked on him until they got a pulse. He remained in a coma until we were told that his brain would remain in a végétatif State as it was too long without oxygen. We had to make the hardest decision of our lives and take him off life support. He passed away peacefully on March 20,2020 with his family by his side. We take comfort in knowing that he has saved a few lives with the decision we made to donate his organs. May you rest in peace my child. We love you very much.

  44. Amy  April 16, 2020 at 9:40 am Reply

    I lost my beautiful fiancé a week ago tonight. He turned 28 two days ago. He is my fiance, my best friend and my carer as I am chronically unwell. Every single part of my world, we had our wedding booked for next August and we we both absolutely heartbroken we could not have children due to my poor health and discussed surrogacy just 24 hours before this happened (this was one of many many discussions and just how excited we were for the future. My darling Matthew is a part of every single second of my life particularly because I am unwell and I know reading people’s posts it’s all the same and people message saying oh you have the good memories. I can’t even look at a photo or go near our bedroom. I am absolute broken and ready to go with him. I am sorry you all are in similar situations.

    • Nikki  April 17, 2020 at 7:41 am Reply

      I’m so very very sorry sweetheart..I wish I could be there and to be able to take your sorrow. I have lost two husbands in my lifetime my Ron left us 17 months ago…I miss him everyday and can’t believe how very quickly our 33 years together went…now I just have memories and disbelief still he is gone from my life….I feel for you so very much…warmest hugs sent with love. ❤?

  45. Angie  April 16, 2020 at 1:07 am Reply

    Mom passed on, the 14th March 2020, and we went into lockdown, in South Africa the next week…..
    It is so difficult….. not having her here with us, or family to support us, especially dad…. they were married 55 years xxx
    Thank you!

  46. Anne Gehle  April 15, 2020 at 5:17 pm Reply

    Thank you so much. My mother died in May of 2019; she was 92 and I am 61 now. We were very close our whole lives. Your article really says it all. That life is over and I am still struggling to figure out how to cope with it. And a national crisis sure doesn’t help! But sharing our thoughts on it does.

  47. Jon Blak  April 15, 2020 at 2:15 pm Reply

    My wife died two years and four months ago, we had been married for almost 52 years when she died…..I hate the term “passed away”….but though she is gone now I think of us as still married for 55 years on our Anniversary this coming Nov 27th 2020. Though she is gone she will always be my beloved Georgette,. I still speak to her every day, and I can’t wait to join her. She is the first thought in my mind every morning and the last thought in my mind every night when I go to bed. I still cry every day, I know men are not supposed to cry . I dread the thought of diminishing memories as I age, but as long as I feel the pain of her loss, I consider that a good thing, because as long I as I can feel the pain, she still is here, at least in my memory.

    • Julie Browne  May 13, 2020 at 7:57 pm Reply


      What a heartwarming story you’ve written. What a wonderful life to have experienced such a deep and loving relationship.

      I hear your desire to keep her presence alive in you. What an honor that is to her and to your relationship.

      You are very fortunate that you cry, as so many men have succumbed to the unnatural habit of resisting tears. Do you feel better after you cry? My dad says he does. I don’t usually. Nevertheless, when reading your account a few things came to mind.

      I’m wondering if there is some way to replace your dread, your fear of diminishing memories, with something more empowering? Might you catch yourself when you find those thoughts in your mind and body (we feel fear in our bodies), and replace them with a good memory? Mindfully putting attention onto a joyful moment or memory is a way to burn happiness into our psyches. It takes effort, because our brains are hardwired to to focus on the negative, for self-protection. Basically, you just focus on the memory and the feelings in your body, for at least 90 seconds. The more we do this, the more we can access joy, simply through accessing our memories.

      Another thing that came to mind. Once when I was driving with my mom in the neighborhood where I used to live, my mom was lamenting the fact that I no longer lived there (I’d moved to another state). My mom was feeling sad at the fact that she could no longer drive to my house and visit me. I wanted to help her move from sadness to a less painful space. I pointed out that she could choose to focus on how lucky she was, that for over 30 years, I’d stayed close to home. This helped her a little, moving from focus on loss, and shifting focus to cherishing what she’d had.

      I’m wondering if feeling the joy might be an option for you, rather than the pain? Could you choose to reminisce in past joys, and still keep her close to you in memory?

  48. John Miller  April 15, 2020 at 12:53 pm Reply

    Thank you , my wife of 40years died 2 months ago, it is so hard!! I will hold on to this!

  49. GaryB  April 15, 2020 at 10:45 am Reply

    This is all so true and good advice as always. I am going on year 2 and still weathering the storms of grief.
    However the intensity and power of grief in the early stages was something nobody who loses a spouse (I had 38 years and she was 62 and I 64 – Just retired!) can ever be prepared for or imagine.
    Truth be told my grieving started 2 months at diagnosis of stage 4 terminal lung cancer and from there I was in a complete fog that lasted well over the year.
    The hardest parts were the regrets-guilt and the never ending woulda -coulda-shoulda`s and the “why didnt I see that” signs.
    I must admit the fog I wander in while still with me is clearing a bit- but not one day goes by where I dont miss her and feel the twinge of pain at the things she has missed ( 2 grandchildren). Its those moments that hurt the worse-the holidays forever are numbing/meaningless and any other time is just time “she deserved to be here”.
    But one thing for sure since I first heard the neurosurgeons beginning words “I`m sorry to tell you this” I was and never will be the same.

  50. Pat Castellano  April 15, 2020 at 10:26 am Reply

    Thank you. This is exactly what I needed today. The loneliness of this time in our world is unbearable. Where is the touch of the one you love when you most need it? Empty arms…I have to imagine being held and remember the feel of a hand or smell of the jacket as you lean into the shoulder of the one you love.

  51. Beth  April 15, 2020 at 12:21 am Reply

    Exactly what I needed to read tonight as I lay here missing my son. I’m so glad I found this.

  52. Rochelle Naughton  April 14, 2020 at 2:01 pm Reply

    Thank you! Perfectly said!!

  53. Vivienne  April 14, 2020 at 10:02 am Reply

    Thank you!!!!!

    This helps so much…so sad but true…our old life doesnt exist anymore. Love you my babe….always in my heart xx

  54. Rebel Nettles  April 14, 2020 at 7:13 am Reply

    This describes grief & your life perfectly. Wish I had read this 29 months ago, but it validates my life then & now.

  55. Betty Weaver  April 13, 2020 at 8:39 pm Reply

    so beautiful


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